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Date Posted: 08:43:30 05/26/08 Mon
Author: John Doe
Subject: Chapter 3: Our Next Drinking Supply- Situated atop an old shooting range.

Not unlike most unelected boards, committees, or counsels, our Water Board is headed by someone who was promoted to the point of in-competency. Placed to oversee the safety and cleanliness of our water supply, the Board President couldn't tell me and or did not know when asked, "How much lead does it take to make water unsafe to drink?"

He is a new comer to this area, so it was not surprising to me, when he showed an ignorance of the history that belonged to our new lake's bottom, 'The Old Church Timbers'.

You see the Church Timbers were once a hunting haven, filled with small game and the hunters that follow them. Its proximity to the town meant that it was just a short hike away, and indeed hundreds of hunters had literally been pouring lead into that ground for many of Muenster’s early years, not to mention weekly church picnics, where 'Turkey Shoots', and or targeting contests were held on a regular basis.

This would have been found out, IF the builders had performed an Environmental Impact Study... However, NO such study was ever done, and so the history of this land was sweep under the rug, per say.

Had such a study been done, more excavation would have been done, to insure that any top surface contaminates would not make it into our future water supple.

Any and all nay saying about the Lake Project was ignored and or properly dispatched, and the construction continued unaware of the potential hazards that await us.

The Lake is now finished and is even open for fishing. It will be some years before we begin drawing water for our consumption, just enough time for the water to penetrate the Lake's bottom, and dilute the lead present there.

I, for one, won't be the least bit surprised when we lose our Superior Water Source- Rating, after we tie into the Lake.

The really sad thing is that most Muenster citizens, AND their appointed Water Board President & Members, WILL BE.

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