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Subject: Re: Welcome

Prof D
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Date Posted: 17:01:36 11/22/08 Sat
In reply to: Prof D 's message, "Welcome" on 16:58:39 11/22/08 Sat

Hi Melanie, Shabeena and Eric,
Hi to all! Since all of us are Lehman graduates I want us to have a electronic relationship (at this point). The goal is to support, mentor, vent, share insights, make suggestions or just social interaction. I think this is a tool that could enhance our successful transition and journey at SV. Maybe we could start a web-blog or message board (rather than email). We could all learn from each other. You guys think this is a good idea?
Maybe next email let us try to introduce ourselves to the group. You all know me already (the gorgeous professor of Lehman).
So Eric is done with his physical and scheduled for his Pharma exam Monday. Any tips for him?
So Shabeena how's the 2nd week of orientation? So far so good? Mel- any tips for our new Lehman staff? Eric, anything new on your application process? Excited to start soon?
I was talking to the VP of HR today and he mentioned that there are a lot of graduates who cannot find a job. I chatted with other hospitals in NYC and there is no great vacancies nowadays. So count ourselves lucky at this point.

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Subject Author Date
Re: WelcomeProf D17:04:09 11/22/08 Sat
Re: WelcomeShabeena18:13:28 11/22/08 Sat

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