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Subject: Re: Welcome

Prof D
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Date Posted: 17:04:09 11/22/08 Sat
In reply to: Prof D 's message, "Re: Welcome" on 17:01:36 11/22/08 Sat

I didn't attend the "new hire" on Friday because I went to Dr. Wayne's lecture on how to take care of a whipple patient.. I would love to go to one next time. Shabeena, when will be the next new grad support group? We are all on the same boat......we have each other's back. Keep me posted when you start nights. Eric, it is so very normal to be nervous. I was also when I first started, probably more than you are right now. My English is not perfect neither, but that doesn't make us any less smart than the rest of them. Until this day, I am nervous about everything. Since I started at SV, I go to work at least 45 minutes to one hour early to find out which team I will have. I would review my patients' chart and try to learn something about them before I get report. Some of these day nurses say I am crazy and some even call me a freak--yes, but this is how I am. Some of them took advantage do to the fact that I am there, so they ask me to do things, like count the narcotics early. At first I was okay with it, but after a while, I told them that Melanie is not here until 8P. One got really pissed and threw the keys onto the desk right in front of me. Luckily she didn't throw it at me. Anyway, I am back on tonight and tomorrow night. Many more stories to share coming soon............Melanie.

From: "NJDizon@aol.com"
To: domi0613@hotmail.com; shabeena1007@hotmail.com; melanie.chet@yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 5:44:19 AM
Subject: Re: hi

This is really gggreat! Mel- did you ever attended the "new hire" group of SV? How was it? Good advice Mel, dont be to modest...you are doing good! "Yes you can"!
Shabeena- There are positive and negative attributes of night shift. One big issue will be adapting to you new circadian rhythm...working and up at night. You will do good.
Eric- You speak good English, so dont disservice yourself. Good luck for Monday exam.
Thank you all for responding. We can all learn from "this".. Melanie is a bedrock of knowledge on her "survival skills 101" (hehe).

In a message dated 11/22/2008 12:46:13 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, domi0613@hotmail.com writes:
Thank you for your great advice.. But I am still little bit nervous about orientation.. because my english is not perfect, so I am still learning..

But now I am so proud of myself as a lehman graduate and I think I will be doing well..

I will take drug exam on monday.. and I will let you know..

Good night..^^


From: shabeena1007@hotmail.com
To: melanie.chet@yahoo.com; njdizon@aol.com; domi0613@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: hi
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 22:33:16 -0500

Thanks Melanie...your advice was really helpful. I will keep u posted on how things are going and will be glad to chat with you when I start the night shift. Thank u so very much for the great words of encouragement.

I know the passing grade was somewhere in the 80's for the drug exam...but I do agree that the drug calculations were pretty easy.


Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 18:45:29 -0800
From: melanie.chet@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: hi
To: njdizon@aol.com; shabeena1007@hotmail.com; domi0613@hotmail.com

Hello to all. I think it is a great idea.
Shabeena, it sounds like you are doing fine. Keep a positive attitude. Like you said, everything will fall into place once you get into the routine. I've been at SV for six months and I am still getting adjusted. Many unexpected things can occur and that's when we need to calm down and think what we have learned about prioritization in Akan's class . I have gotten many feedbacks and encouragements from Professor Dizon. I am sure he is giving the same advice. Some of these oldies are really tryhing to discourage you and really are "bitches." (excuse my language) Just think of it as a learning experience.. I usually thank them when they point out what I should do or shouldn't do with certain patients. Especially during report time, they asked many questions and many times I don't know the answer to. I just tell them I don't know. Sometimes it is not what they say, but the way they talk to you. Nights are supposed to be better than day, but more patient load on my floor. I like it better because I don't have to deal with all the drama, the patients' family and many MD's orders. Many times the day nurses leave the replacements for us to hang at night. Things that was ordered since 1p were not given until we come on our shift. Then, they would blame the pharmacy for not sending them... I would harrass the pharmacy if I have to to get my meds. What I find depressing is that not too many nurses help each other. I am fortunate to work with this phillipino male nurse; he is great.. Anyway, you are on 7E. When you start nights call my floor if you ever need anything---an IV pump, linens. Maybe we can chat during our breaks when you start nights and we are on together. Good luck.

Eric, I don't remember the questions, but bring your drug book. The calculation part is easy. I had to look up some names of the drugs. I thought the passing grade is 88%. Whatever it is, don't stress over it. It is not any harder than our boards... Good luck.

From: Shabeena Ally
To: doughlas dizon ; melanie.chet@yahoo.com; domi0613@hotmail.com
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 8:45:25 PM
Subject: RE: hi

I think your idea is great....a good way 2 get feedback and support. My second week of orientation went okay, I thought I could had done a lot better but I know I can't learn everything all at once it will take a lot of time but I know I could do it. The day staffs are really nice but I am kinda worried about the night staffs b/c I didn't hear good things about them since I am going to be working at nights.

For Eric, the pharm exam is open book, 25 questions and they give u calculator. 84% is the passing rate.

Please give feedback.....thanks. & ;nbs p;

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Re: WelcomeShabeena18:13:28 11/22/08 Sat

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