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Subject: Re: happy Thanksgiving

Melanie Chet
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Date Posted: 17:30:54 11/26/08 Wed
In reply to: Eric 's message, "happy Thanksgiving" on 12:52:50 11/26/08 Wed

Eric, I don't know about your unit, but on unit my NM put me with a few preceptors, and, when I started the 12 hours shift I had to choose a preceptor and she had me followed that preceptor's schedule. It was good because I learned a little from everyone of them and developed my own working style and ways to get my work done. I chose a preceptor whom I can learn a lot from, but after a few days, I wasn't comfortable with her anymore. Don't get me wrong she is a great person and is very knowledgeable. I would have to say more knowledgeable than most of the nurses at the unit. Anyway, you will develop your own working style and ways which work best for you. Don't worry, do the best you can, and try to learn as much as possible. You will be okay. What I did in the beginning is that I had a notebook pad that I used to write things down. After the end of the day I would write things I need to remember--anything and everything. I am still refering to my notes sometimes. It is very helpful. Are you hired for nights? Which unit will you be working in again? Welcome to SV.

To all---have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!! Melanie.

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