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Subject: Good work

Prof D
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Date Posted: 16:27:12 12/14/08 Sun

We are all in various magnitude and amplitude level of circumstances. But as Roy stipulated, "our thinking, feeling and environment are all integrated". It is human nature we try to adapt whatever difficult are the stimulus, try whatever works for you to reach your outcomes. I am a proponent of Roy, her theory works for me in my practice.

Eric- it is overwelming at first few weeks, but I have confidence in you. You are one of the smartest in your group, and flexible. You will get the hang of it, just try your very best...it is not that hard really. Keep us posted.

Shabeena - it seems you are doing fine since we dont hear much from you. Good work and keep us updated. Did you get your paycheck yet?

Mel- you adjusted and able to define your role and a spot for you in your environment. It is how we perceive things in our life, take it as an avenue of opportunities to improve, or positive chanllenges. Always remember you are the solution for the problems.Tell Lada just to take it, it is not good not to take it sooner. Not good on her resume too that took her awhile to take the NCLEX. A interviewer/employer will take that as a negative points against here...lastly, by studies it showed the longer you take it the probability of not passing is getting greater. If some of her batch mates took it with mediocre study and they pass, the more she could ace this.

Sheila - seems like you are adjusted too on your environment, but you have wisdom and knowledge how to overcome most challenges.

God bless to all.

Prof. D

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Re: Good workShabeena16:39:44 12/14/08 Sun

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