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Subject: What's up?

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Date Posted: 14:09:18 12/18/08 Thu

I had a Xmas luncheon today given by Dr. Carasa to all Nursing Directors/Managers...then I realized I didnt even start my Xmas shopping-YIKES! Atleast Mel did her's already, smart girl. I was just lost in the vortex of work, didnt even realize that I have life after work. Yea thats the "curse" of being a nurse, esp if you work nights. Stress, burnt-out, exhausted, and tired during work days,then on days off chores, errands and appointments. Sleep is the most beautiful thing. But try to break the cycle,make an effort to have fun, pamper yourself, socialize and loosen up.

I saw Eric today and he seems more relax, confident and happy. He will get his first pay check next week, Im so happy for you. If you have time,share to us your experience.

Shabeena,you will do fine at nights, it is the same thing. You reached this far so it means you are doing good. Good job.

Mel so how's work? Anything new? What's the plan for Xmas? Say Hi to Lada.

Sheila - How are you? Any news with old 1199 people? I still see Charlene Rubin at Lehman, btw they are stopping the MSN program next year.

So my gang, hope allis well. Enjoy the holidays and God bless you all. Aim high, be proud and always help others. Hope to hear from all of you soon.

Prof D.

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Re: What's up?Melanie Chet11:13:04 12/20/08 Sat

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