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Subject: Re: happy new year everyone

Melanie Chet
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Date Posted: 23:33:22 01/07/09 Wed
In reply to: eric 's message, "happy new year everyone" on 15:49:42 01/04/09 Sun

Eric--i feel the same way when i first started. always clarify with whatever people are saying if you even have an inkling of what they say. sometimes i feel that they are annoyed by me but i need to know 100% for sure before i do it. sometimes the MDs are upset by me paging them about everything, but i just don't care. our pts come first. even though we may take more times than others to get adjusted we will get there. worry sometimes--we need a little stress too. good luck.
Everyone--it was hell for the last two nights. the RN i was supposed to work with two nights ago had to float and i was left in charge with a per diem. the day nurse left me a lot to give. i had three admissions, 2 ER, 1 OR, with the per diem's admission, 4 admissions together. as soon as i started my shift, the aide went on break. pts buzzing left and right, phones ringing literally every two mins. i didn't start to take my vitals and 10p meds until almost 12 midnight. luckily the supervisor lydia came--she was great. i broke down and cried like a baby. i just couldn't think what should come first anymore. the supervisor sat by the nursing station for almost two hours, just answering my phone calls and for me to cater to the pts and start my meds. she left me with 2 aides and 2 tech for the two constants. usually we have one aide for the night. one aide is very lazy, but the other answers to every buzzing. i finished my meds and vitals 3A, took the orders for all the admissions until almost 5A, and started my flow sheets for the 9 pts, finished that around 6:30a, and start the 6A meds. i didn't take any break and left the unit almost 10A and had to come back that night. i was so tempted to call in, but i thought it was just that night. came back that night and it was almost just as bad, except that i don't have to be in charge. didn't take a break and left the unit 9:30A. for 48 hours i had 5 hours sleep. i haven't felt like this since orientaion time. gosh how i miss the holiday time. anyway, i am off for the next 7 days and hell i am not gonna go in for anyone call in, shutting off my phone and that is that. Eric, luckily you have two pts, i have 9 pts, with like a gazillion ivpbs to hang. well, just want to share with you my stress and keeping you uo to date. good night or morning, don't know which is which anymore.........mel.

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