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Subject: I am Porud of You Guys

Prof D
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Date Posted: 14:14:39 02/13/09 Fri

Listen to you guys, you are so involve, concern and took outnership of your practice. Yes, that is the reality of our profession, so much room to improve. This kind of environment is accross the country, some are more pronouced and some are in less magtitude. Our workload is unbelievable, expectations are high, standards are steep and accountability is stressful. But both of you survive the challenges, able to immerse yourself and excecute in the best of your abilities and limitations. In next unit meeting or discussion with NM mentioned this issues, dont be quiet just be constructive. Listen, not all are brave, courageous, smart, fearless and a tropper....some cannot take the heat and just give up. I am not sure if you know one Indian heritage orientee (I think started with shabeena)...she just gave up and cant take it anymore. It is sad, but it takes a certain bravado to survive this profession. St John and Mary Immaculuate Hospital are closing...the economic downturn is hitting health care. So at this point, just take a deep breath, suck it in and do your best. There will be more tears, fears,pain and headaches...but I know deep inside you are made to excel despite the circumstances,because you believe in yourself. You are the unsung heroes, be proud! I always mention the 2 of you with other faculties, that you thrive in the grinds of the work environment and doing your best. We still have to meet soon.

Prof D

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Re: I am Porud of You GuysShabeena17:17:40 02/13/09 Fri

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