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Subject: Re: Ammunitions

Melanie Chet
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Date Posted: 07:41:16 11/24/08 Mon
In reply to: Prof D 's message, "Ammunitions" on 04:08:40 11/23/08 Sun

Sorry I am late. This forum is great. Now I don't have to cut and past everyone's email address to the message. Just got back from work. Also, always keep a positive attitude and a smiling face. Thank your aides for helping you at the end of your shift. Shabeena, I still couldn't find half of the stuff I needed in the unit. You can also run to the other side for your supplies too. I ask people, especially the aides, the ward clerks where things are--most of them are helpful. It will fall into place. If you are worrying about the night nurses, experience them yourself. Some may not be as bad. I had this RN I am working with who wouldn't help me for no shit. I asked her stay with me when I straight cath a patient because that was the first time that I am doing it at the unit. She said that I am causing her a lot of trouble--so she didn't help me. The MD didn't want a foley catheter in this patient, which I told her. She didn't help me so I ran to the East side for help. Then she sent the aide to go get me, while she was in my patient's room putting a foley catheter in my patient. I called the MD and the MD said he is not happy, but what else can he do. Anyway, I have been on with this RN for a couple nights. There was this one night she had more patients than I did. I helped take her patients' morning vitals and fingersticks. I think she was overloaded, so I offered to help her. My patients weren't as heavy as hers. Since then on, whenever I had admissions, she helped me to pick up my orders. Last night i had to work with her, we helped each other and we even got time to chat for over two hours. Now I am more comfortable working with her. Remember always offer your help, even to the ones who wouldn't help you. Anyway, I am off track here. No worries----call me if you ever want to talk about something you don't want our "gorgeous Professor from Lehman" to know about (hehehehe). Eric is probably taking his pharm exam right now. Email us how you did. Thanks Professor D for creating this forum for us. Melanie.

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