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Date Posted: 22:01:12 05/17/02 Fri
Author: Ice Storm
Subject: *A pure white stallion reared and made an amazing whinnie that pierced through the air like a fog horn...*

*The muscular stallion lifts his forehoofs off the ground. His dagger hoofs lashed out at the air as he was risen high. His sparkly horn shinned brighter than ever and pierced the darkening sky. He arched his neck and flared his nostrils while his slivery mane and high held tail brushed through the breeze. He tucked his legs against his chest and let his hoofs dangle in place as he opened his mouth again and sent the loudest piercing whinnie throughout the intire island of W.H.I.*
"I, Ice Storm, claim this land to be my home, and the home of my future herd!"
*The stallion landed and silvery, blue, and white flames splashed beneath him. His hoofs turned a white pale color and then blue. Finally turning back to normal. He made his presence known and was proud of it. His ears flicked around wildly as he stared at his new home. He liked it alot, and he wished to stay and share it with a family. He stared out into the distance, hoping that a beautiful mare would apear and he would fall in love...*

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