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Date Posted: 17:51:15 05/19/02 Sun
Author: Ice Storm
Subject: *A white as snow stallion is seen...*
In reply to: Enchanted 's message, "*Beautiful femme gallops in*" on 08:10:29 05/19/02 Sun

*Hoofs thunder across his tt.*
*Reaches the mare and black orbs concentrate hard on her beautiful body.*
*Lips purse and teeth bare a soft whicker is emitted forth.*
*Black orbs sparle while silvery sparkling horn glints beautifuly.*
*Heart beats with love that spreads quickly throught his body.*
*Soulumnly speaks.*
Ö My lady, I am truely sorry, but I have a Queen, Rashaka. My lady, you are beautiful, if you join me, you can be Alpha mare...Enchanted, I am truely sorry, but please, join me.You shallt not be treated any different. Ö
*Stallion takes a step forth.*
*Muscules ripple like a tear drop in water under his sleek white coat.*
*Black as night orbs sparkle with love for the mare.*
*Silver mane and high held tail tickle at the wind and blow to the side causing his long forlock to fall in his face.*
*Stallion stares down at the young gorgeous mare. Eyes a flame. He takes another step forward...small flickers of fire sprinkle forth his hoofs. Stallion arches neck more and reaches for a nuzzle on the mares velvety cheek. Nostrils flare smelling her scent. Sparkling horn shines brighter and pierces the once foggy air...he waits patiently for a reply...*

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