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Date Posted: 20:20:20 06/05/02 Wed
Author: Phantom
Subject: Anger
In reply to: Phantom 's message, "Anger" on 20:00:13 06/05/02 Wed

The stallion rears suddenly, slicing the air with his powerful hooves, before charing after her. Come with me Ash, this needs to be sorted once and for all. Cutting Enchanted off, he spoke deep and powerfully, not angerly. Now listen, both of you. Being lead or beta has nothing to do with my feelings for you, and if that is all you care about then how can you claim love for me?The past and what has happened I can't change, nor can I change the way
that either of you feel for me. However, if either of you think that I love eithere of you for your positions, then you know nothing of love. Ash will be lead because she and I go back far beond the time that I have known you Enchanted, but something about you has effected me, and I could not bear to see you leave. Ash, being lead or beta mare should not matter
if we truly love one another, be it you or another mare having that position. That is why I wanted a co-lead, so that you two could see that you are equals. I won't have a herd that won't get along, and unless we can work something out so that every one is happy, or equally unhappy, I will leave forever.
He stands then, the emotions that were playing inside him causing him to tremble. Watching the two mares that he loved without measure, he waited their reponces. Did they care for him, orthe lead mare possition?

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  • I Thought -- Ash, 20:20:30 06/05/02 Wed
  • enough -- Phantom, 20:55:56 06/05/02 Wed

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