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Subject: Welcome to Detention | |
Author: Fulgur |
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Date Posted: 08:11:22 08/30/23 Wed The Legend of Raspberry Four Part 1 Welcome to Detention I opened the door and entered the classroom. The heads of the four girls inside turned to look at me. "Good afternoon," I said briskly. "Welcome to the detention class." I opened my briefcase and put the contents on the table. A stack of papers... and a small paddle. This caused some gulps, though it's hard to fathom why a stack of papers would lead to such behavior. "My name is Mr. Kellen," I said. "I teach advanced math, and you will meet me in that capacity next year. Let me tell you, you might prefer meeting me here!" My joke fell flat, as usual. The truth is that our school doesn't have a dedicated disciplinarian. We all shared that role, but the rule -- unoficially called "Separation of powers" -- was that the students always had to be punished by someone they are not in daily contact with. I surveyed today's "crop of miscreants", and, as usual, I felt sorry for them. Contrary to what you might expect, I don't look forward to this duty too much. A little, maybe, but not too much. "So," I said, "you are all first-year students, is that right?" Affirmative murmurs. "And was any of you in this detention before?" They were not. "Well, then I'm afraid I have some unpleasant news for you -- followed by other unpleasant happenings. Your teachers have relegated all of you to corporal punishment. I'm sure you've heard others joke about it, but it's not a joke. I want you to know that today, all four of you, will be walking out of here clutching sore bottoms. I suggest making peace with this fact if you haven't before." Their faces paled a bit. "So, let's see... Alice? Could you stand up?" One of the girls did so, though clearly unwillingly. "I see 'chronic tardiness' here as a reason. How many times have you been tardy?" "Um... five times?" "Just five times?" "Yes..." she admitted, "but... it was all in one week." "A whole week tardy? How come?" She sighed. "It was... it wasn't one single reason, sir. It was a bunch of stupid things. Like, one day I overslept, another day I got distracted on my way... but..." "But..." "The homeroom teacher, Mrs. Stanford, sir... she said that I can choose between being sent to detention for a spanking, or between a note for my Mom." "And I expect that wasn't a very hard choice for you, was it?" "No sir," she said and cracked a smile. I approved of that. "Alright, sit down, Alice, next we have... Ginger?" The girl next to Alice stood up, and I had to appreciate that her parents have definitely chosen the right name for her. It complemented her hair perfectly. She seemed very downcast. "And with you, it's... hm, class disruption? I must say, it is unusual for that to end up in here. Care to tell me about it?" She just shook her head. "Sir, if I may," said the girl next to her, "I'm in her class. Ginger is really smart, sir! She always knows the answer when Mr. Lang asks in History." "But...?" "Well... Mr. Lang always asks a question, you see. But he never calls on Ginger for answer. And if two or three of us answer wrong, Ginger sometimes... can't stand it and shouts the right answer. Mr. Lang has warned her several times, and then... he said that maybe she needs a stronger incentive." "So you ended up here?" I asked Ginger. "Yes, sir," she said finally. Her voice was quiet and soft. Hard to believe that someone this quiet could be disruptive, though I suppose she was of the type who didn't suffer fools gladly. How unfortunate that she now had to suffer here. "So," I turned to the girl who spoke for Ginger, "you are...?" "Madeline, sir." "Ah, yes, Madeline. I see you also had a conflict with Mr. Lang." "Sir, he got really angry with Ginger, he started shouting at her, and I told him..." "Ah, yes, you called him an..." "An ass, sir." She immediately looked unnerved. "It's alright, I'm not a stickler for language. In fact, it's not like I particularly disagree with your assessment. Nevertheless..." "He wrote up both of us. So it's kinda my fault Ginger is here." "I believe Mr. Lang had a reason to send both of you here," I said. "I might not have done so, as I wouldn't let the situation escalate this far, but even though I understand where you are coming from, I'm afraid I will still have to administer your punishments." Madeline seemed downcast. "The purpose of school, you see, is to raise you into functional members of the society. And in the society, unfortunately, you sometimes get people like Mr. Lang. And you have to deal with them in a civil way. I hope that you will learn this lesson, as it would be certainly more painful to continue your headbutting with him. Sit down." She did so. "I saved the best for the last," I said. "Janet. I got some... extensive complaints from your homeroom teacher, but the gist was fairly simple. You have been caught smoking in the toilets... repeatedly." The last girl stood up. She was taller than the other three, lanky, and seemingly didn't know what to do with her growth-spurted frame. "Yes, sir..." "Well, that is unusual. Normally, you'd be sent to detention after the first offense. But, as Mrs. Tein told me, she declined to do so the first time. Both because you were, as she told me, 'very, very sick', and because you pleaded with her and promised not to do it again. So, what happened after that?" "I... I did it again." "So you not only smoked, as a minor, which is a VERY serious breach, but you have also been lying to the teacher." "I wasn't lying! I... I really thought I won't smoke again, but..." "After your second offense, Mrs. Tein was very angry with you. She told me to 'really give it to you', and I'm afraid that's what's going to happen." "But sir... she... she called my Mom!" "After something like that, I'd certainly hope she did!" "And Mom told Dad, and... I got already spanked at home! With a belt and everything! Please, I have been punished, honest!" "Well, Janet, I'm afraid that the legal principle known as 'double jeopardy' is not applicable in your case. You've broken your parents' trust, and they punished you for it, but you also broke the trust of this school. And you will get your punishment for THAT today. Now sit down." "Sir, please..." "Sit down!" She reluctantly did so. "You should be grateful for the simple sensation of sitting down," I said. "You all should. Beause, I'm afraid, it's going to get much less comfortable soon." I stood up, picked up the paddle, and walked to the side of the teacher's desk. "So," I said, "let me explain what's going to happen." "Standard punishment is ten swats with the paddle here. You are going to bend over the desk here..." I tapped the desk with the paddle. "I am going to lift your skirt and apply the paddle on the seat of your panties with some considerable force. It hurts a lot, I'm afraid. Some students try not to cry, but most of them do, and I want you to know that there's nothing shameful about it. Nobody is going to laugh at you for it, as you are all in the same boat and whatever happens in detention doesn't leave the walls of this room... or else." I didn't have to elaborate on my warning. In addition, I could see that Alice and Ginger are already on the verge of tears. "However," I continued, more softly, "you can ask to have your punishment changed to a hand spanking. In that case, you will be going over my lap. A hand spanking doesn't have a predetermined number of swats, I generally spank until the bottom is good and red and I'm satisfied that you have learned your lessons. But, this is done on your bare bottoms." They all gulped when the magical words "bare bottoms" were uttered -- as did many a reader of this tale, I suppose. "The choice is yours, though I'd like to emphasize that the paddling, although shorter and more modest, is generally considered very unpleasant and I consistently get bad reviews because of it." No reaction. Tough crowd. "Next thing is this punishment book." I showed up a black notebook. "You are required to sign it after your punishment, to acknowledge that it has been administered. But, in my experience, we usually bend the rules a bit and let you sign it beforehand. I'm afraid that the paddling -- or spanking, as case might be -- has some unfortunate effects on your penmanship. So: if there are no questions, I'm going to start calling you up for your punishments." Another round of gulps. "Janet..." She rose up. "Alright..." "No, I'm not calling YOU up yet." "Oh." "I just wanted to say that you are going to get fifteen swats with the paddle." "Fifteen?" "Yes, and as the advanced math teacher, I can tell you that this is 150% of the usual punishment. And, to pre-empt your next question, no, you cannot change it to a spanking, as your paddling will be ALREADY on your bare bottom." "What?!" "I have the discretion to up the number of swats, you know. So sit down and wait. After I deal with the others, it will be your turn." She sat down, but I could see that she was clearly unhappy with this development. Then again, I've seen very little happiness when administering punishments. "So, Madeline, come up here, please." She jumped. "Me?" "Yes. If you'd be so kind." "Maybe, but I have the feeling you won't be too kind to me, sir." "I'm sorry, but I won't." She got up and oh-so-slowly walked to the desk. "So: the paddle, or my hand. What are you going to choose?" "The paddle, sir." "The paddle it is. Right this way, please." I led her to the desk and gestured for her to bend over. She was scared; they always are, at the first punishment, because they don't know what to expect. When they come back -- if they come back -- they are scared because they DO know what to expect. I flipped Madeline's skirt, revealing pure white panties. Those are better for paddlings than dark colors; the red color of the girl's bottom can be seen through. "Ten swats," I repeated. "Are you ready?" She wasn't. They never are. But she gave a small nod, and so I raised the paddle and planted the first swat in the center of her bottom. I am right-handed, so I was standing between Madeline and the rest of the class. They saw my paddle fall, but they didn't saw the swat itself. What they DID see, however, was the result: a strained scream. Madeline's whole body jerked as the paddle hit her bottom, and tears appeared in her eyes. All four girls definitely thought the same thing: Nine more of THESE? But that was exactly what the protocol called for and so the paddle landed on her butt again. I put a hand on her back to prevent her from jumping up, and I warned her to hold on the edge of the desk. It was a good thing that Madeline was fairly tall; sometimes, a girl had to bend over the long side of the desk, as she couldn't reach the opposite edge otherwise, which meant that her bottom was right in front of the class. The silence in the classroom was only interrupted by the paddle swats and Madeline's cries. Around the fifth swat, she started to hiccup, and the seventh swat brought her into full crying, all perceived dignity forgone. She started to squirm much more after that, so I gave her the last three swats in quick succession and held her down for a bit more before I finally helped her stand up. Her hands went down to the inflamed part of her body immediately and she started hopping around the class. "I forgot to have you sign the punishment book," I said. "We mustn't forget to do that before you leave. Otherwise it wouldn't count." I sent Madeline back to her desk, and she stood next to it, refusing to lower her paddled bottom onto the hard wooden chair. Technically, I could insist on her sitting down, but I didn't believe her offense was big enough to warrant such aggravated punishment. "Right," I said. "One down -- or up, as it might be -- three to go. Alice, it's your turn." Alice stood up, clearly more worried than Madeline has been. Such is the benefit of hindsight. "Can... Can I ask for the hand-spanking, please?" she asked. She was flushed; this was a really embarrassing situation. "No problem," I said. "Let me just bring up a chair." I took the chair from behind the desk and put it in front of the blackboard. "You get spanked at home?" I asked her. "Yes, sir... mostly by Mom..." "Is it like this? Over her lap, and on your bare bottom?" "Usually... sometimes she takes a hairbrush or a wooden spoon... and sometimes... I get the belt from Dad..." Her face was tomato-red now, and she knew her bottom will soon acquire the color to match. "Right, now, the school staff is not actually allowed to lower your underwear, so if you could just..." Her face has now surpassed tomatoes and was heading into the territory of fire engines as she hooked her fingers in the waistband of her panties and slowly lowered them. Once this necessary element of agency in her punishment was completed, I took her hand and gently, but firmly took her over my lap. She squealed, as she didn't expect this, not so quick. I flipped her skirt up, revealing her bottom to the class. It was pale pink, like a canvas ready for the touch of a painter's brush -- or a discplinarian's hand, in this case. She clenched it, awaiting the first swat. "Oh, right," I said. "Let's not make the same mistake as last time, shall we?" I lifted her up again. "Sign the punishment book first, please, would you?" I got up as well and escorted her to the desk. She was already sobbing a bit as I wrote 'hand spanking' into the required field and watched as she signed her name next to it. Then I led her back, her panties now bunched around her knees, and as I sat down, she started to cry for real. "I know," I said, "but it will be over before you know it. Come on. You're a brave girl, aren't you?" "Not... not in particular, sir," sobbed Alice. "I'm afraid of everything." "Well, come over my lap. I know you're afraid of this spanking, but you fully deserve it. And by accepting it, you will show true bravery, you can trust me on that." A lap awaiting a young lady's bottom is a potent thing. It's a dire reminder of her misbehavior and the price she is required to pay. Many such ladies require a firm hand pulling them over, but to Alice's credit, I must say that she eventually, after a short period of hesitation, climbed over my lap. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and I knew that the treatment she was going to be subjected to definitely won't help in this regard. Yes -- the first smack against her bare bottom brought the familiar pause, as the shock of what was happening to her finally hit her, slightly following my hand, and then the waterworks started for real. Alice, as I was quickly finding out, was a crier. She was loud and incoherent, but I understood that she was attempting to plead her case, to no avail. A girl laid over a lap can be held down very effectively, and prevented from squirming and from trying to protect her bottom with her hands -- both tactics Alice was guilty of. Although the home discipline she confessed to has seemed fairly strict, I had a feeling that it has been some time since she has been subjected to it -- a longer time, perhaps, than was ideal. I had no qualms in correcting that oversight. As I was sitting in front of the class, who all had first-row seats to witness the punishment, I observed Ginger in particular. Right now, Ginger has seen both forms of punishment I offered to the students and her wide eyes told me that she disliked both of them. In truth, I preferred hand spankings to the paddlings. The paddle left more of an impression in the students' flesh, so to speak, but the hand spanking spoke to their soul. Come evening, Madeline might not even feel her paddling anymore; but I had no doubt that Alice will flush bright red even after a week or two when she remembers what indignity she suffered over my lap. I thought that Ginger, too, might have been better served by an old-fashioned bottom-warming. She has done nothing truly wrong and I thought that I will have to have a chat with Mr. Lang. Bright pupils might disrupt the classroom sometimes, but they disrupted it as the sun disrupts the twilight's gloom; their disruptions should be welcome and accommodated, not punished. There was also the fact that I had much less leeway in paddlings than in spankings. Should she choose a paddling, I would be obligated to give her the full ten swats, which, in my opinion, she didn't really deserve. I have been so occupied by this train of thought that I forgot that I still had Alice across my lap. I stopped spanking her bottom a while ago, and I was simply holding her over my lap while she was sobbing. "Excuse me, sir," she said between the sobs, "could you... let me up, please?" "Certainly, certainly," I said, a bit ashamed. I have been known to be absent-minded, as is wont of those who deal in the arcane art of mathematics, and my colleagues often teased me about it. I let Alice up and she immediately started with vigorous bottom-rubbing. She practically ran back to her desk, clutching her bottom. I noticed that her panties became dislodged sometimes during the whole proceedings and were now lying on the floor. I picked them up and handed them to her, causing her embarrassment to achieve maximum. She was so red that if Janet still had some cigarettes, she could surely light one by pressing it either to Alice's face or bottom. "Ginger," I said, inviting her up. Ginger went to me faster than Alice did. Her face was pale from fear, not red from embarrassment, and I felt sorry for her. Unlike her predecessors, Ginger walked straight to the desk and signed the punishment book without being reminded so, which I acknowledged with the nod. "So, hand or paddle?" I asked her. "Which one would you prefer?" "I... I really don't know, sir," said Ginger. "Both seem... that they will really hurt." She was shivering. "Yes," I nodded, "that is the unfortunate reality." Ginger looked at the class as if she hoped to glean some clue there. No such luck. Madeline was leaning on her desk, eyes downcast, while Alice was actually sitting down, head in her hands, sobbing again, more from shame than from pain -- at least I hoped so. "Tell you what, Ginger," I said, "I can see that this choice is really difficult for you, so let's leave it to chance." I took the paddle from the desk and put it behind my back. "Simply pick a hand, left or right. If you pick an empty hand, I will give you a hand spanking. If you pick the paddle, well..." Ginger looked at me, scared, her eyes already brimming with tears. What she couldn't see, but the others surely could, was that I had carefully placed the paddle on Alice's desk so both of my hands were empty. None of the three said a word about this act of deception. "Right, sir," said Ginger finally. I showed an empty hand, while picking up the paddle with my left. "A hand spanking it is, then," I said. I placed the paddle back on the desk and wrote this decision into the punishment book. "Please, sir," she said, "I'm... I'm so ashamed. Do you have to do it here, in front of everyone else?" "Well..." "She is really shy, sir," said Madeline. "Please?" Alice stopped sobbing and nodded. "Sir, it would be less embarrassing for her that way." Embarrassment was exactly the point, but I could appreciate her pleas. I was even touched. She never thought of asking for such accommodation for herself, but she didn't want to add to Ginger's suffering. Janet stood up. "Sir," she said, "could I take my paddling now? Then we could all go out and leave you with Ginger." "You're still in detention," I said, "so you are required to stay here for a whole hour." "Nevertheless," I added, seeing the despondency in Ginger's eyes, "I presume that if you stayed JUST outside the classroom and returned after we're done, that would be acceptable." I took Janet's hand and brought her to the desk. "Go back to your desk for now," I said to Ginger. She did so, and I saw that both Madeline and Alice came next to her, consoling her. "Sign the book, Janet," I said, finally remembering to ask for it. She did so. "I'll never smoke again, sir," she said. "Please, I was spanked yesterday, my butt still hurts..." "I'm sorry, but no. Take down your panties." Janet did so, and then she leaned over the desk without me asking her. "So, how many did we say? Ten?" Janet seemed like she wanted to say something, but then changed her mind. "That sounds correct to me, sir." Even though Mrs. Tein specified fifteen swats, I was really touched by how Janet stood for Ginger. It's said that the best friendships are forged in fire, and the fire kindled in bottoms by hand or paddle is not an exception. She deserved a little break. I wrote "Paddling - BB" into the punishment book and lifted Janet's skirt. "Are you ready?" I asked. "Yes, sir." She seemed more ready to receive her punishment than Ginger seemed to witness it. She was shivering, eyes clenched shut. "Ginger," I said, "I'm a bit concerned about Alice. Could you please take her to the bathroom? She should wash her face a bit and make herself presentable." "What? I..." "Yes..." said Alice and made a fairly convincing sob. "I'm so sorry Ginger, but my legs are so weak right now... Please, can you help me?" Ginger helped her up. Of course, everyone knew what was really happening -- even Ginger herself, I was fairly sure. There was something about that girl that made her look like a baby bird; people wanted to protect her from all harm, although this, sadly, didn't include Mr. Lang. After they left, I was left with only just-paddled Madeline and soon-to-be-paddled Janet. "Let's do it quickly, shall we?" I said. "Before they come back." I put my hand on Janet's back and pressed down. I also looked at her bottom -- as she said, it bore some faint marks of a belt. I was definitely the last person to see those, as the paddle would do a good job overwriting them. I saw that she wanted to say something, but there was nothing more to debate. I swung the paddle. A bare-bottom paddling is not a pretty thing to look at, or to listen to. It combines the acute sting of the paddle with the embarrassment of having one's bottom shown on display, and Janet cried out at the first swat and started to sob. Madeline put her head in her hands, not wanting to see the paddle again after it lit her bottom on fire. The paddle fell again... and again. Actually, I disagreed with the way Mrs. Tein resolved this problem. She SHOULD have sent Janet for a punishment after her first offense. Smoking is a vice that is hard to give up and whether Janet chose the paddle or the hand, it might have imparted into her some sense of how serious problem this is. Sadly, this didn't happen, and so her first punishment at school was to be an excruciating and humiliating bare-bottom paddling. I tried to get it done quickly. Janet got her ten swats in less than a minute, but it had to be one of the worst minutes of her life so far. She was bawling like a baby when I was done, but, I must say, she never lost her grip on the desk's edge. Unlike Alice, Janet grabbed her panties immediately after I removed my hand from her back and pulled them up, sobbing in the process. She then started vigorously rubbing her paddled bottom while I offered her a tissue she gladly used to rub her eyes. I noticed that she wasn't wearing makeup, despite her looking more mature than most students -- perhaps because of her height. The school used to forbid makeup completely and only relented a few years ago; even so, it was common sense not to wear any to detention. I sent Janet to her desk. Like Madeline, she kept standing, still trying to rub the sting out. In the next few minutes, she gradually calmed down. Then, the door opened and Alice and Ginger came in. When they were leaving, Ginger was supporting Alice, but now it seemed mostly reversed. Ginger knew what awaits her back in the detention room and she did not look forward to it. Alice led her directly to me. "We're here, sir." I nodded and took Ginger's hand, as if I was accepting a prisoner transfer. "All right, out you go." Madeline stood up and went out the door. So did Janet, wincing as the fresh movement made her freshly paddled bottom ache again. Alice was the last one to leave. As she was closing the door, she looked at Ginger, face full of worries. "Remember, we're all going to get an ice-cream afterwards!" she called to her. "Well, Ginger," I said. "All your friends got their medicine, and so... I'm afraid it's your turn." I sat on the chair that still stood in front of the class after Alice's spanking. "Come here." "But... I'm afraid!" squealed Ginger, and belatedly added "Sir." "Why, Ginger. You've been with Alice. She got her spanking, but now she's alright again. Sure, this will hurt, you will probably cry..." This girl will definitely cry, I thought, seeing tears in her eyes again. "...but it will be over soon. Besides," I added, "you have already signed the punishment book. I have to spank you now." Socially awkward girls like Ginger often found some solace in rules, and it worked to my advantage. She sighed and walked to the chair. "Sir, when me and Alice went to the bathroom..." "Yes?" "Alice... she... she pulled down her panties and showed me her bottom. She let me touch it. It was so red and so hot!" "That is what happens to naughty girls, you know. I mean..." I paused. "Have you never been spanked before?" "No, sir." "Now, come on. How is that possible?" "My parents don't believe in it, sir. And I... am usually a very good girl." She said that with some pride. "Yes, but I mean, the school allows to exempt a child from the coirporal punishment if the parents don't want them to be spanked. Sometimes it's for medical reasons, sometimes the parents prefer to deal with disciplinary issues on their own, sometimes, as you say, they simply don't believe in it. There's an exemption form, and I can't believe someone like you wouldn't be aware of it. You seem like the type to read the school rules for fun!" "They were very informative," she mumbled, eyes downcast. "So what happened?" "I... I read the rules, sir, but my parents just skimmed them. They didn't notice the part about the exemption form, and I... didn't tell them about it." "We can still correct it," I said. "Simply call them and..." "No!" she shouted. I looked at her. "When we were going back, sir, me and Alice, I was so afraid... I wanted to run away. I've done nothing but stalled here, I'm a terrible coward. But they were all punished, and it wouldn't be fair if I wasn't. Especially to Madeline. It's my fault she got the paddle, sir! You should... you should paddle me too!" "No, Ginger," I said, "I've already wrote down that you got spanked by hand. Trust me, Madeline won't hold it against you. So: the only thing you have to do is to pull down your panties, but I can spank you over them if..." "No, sir, I don't want any alleviation. Please, punish me just like the others." "Right. Then pull down your panties!" She did so with trembling hands. I took her and put her over my lap. I even leg-locked her to prevent her from kicking. "Wait, wait, sir!" she squeaked, her bravery instantly gone. "I need more time to get ready, please, no, no, noooooo!" The last "no" went to crescendo, as my hand has already made an imprint on her bottom. It was soon followed by more. To tell the truth, I have planned to only punish Ginger symbolically. But I could see that she was on a brink of a real friendship, something that she perhaps craved but couldn't find. If I spared her any more pain or embarrassment, it might hinder her in that regard. And so I became determined that the first spanking Ginger ever gets will be a good one! That it would make her cry was a given, but I wanted to make it a spanking that would make cry even a significantly tougher girl. More to the point, a hard spanking will earn her sympathy of the others who might have left the room but who, I had no doubt, were currently listening at the door with bated breath. And so I processed to render Ginger's bottom red enough to match her hair, even though I was not immune to the aura she projected and my heart ached for her. It took about three minutes of slow, steady work, before I deemed her punishment to be over. By that time, she was squirming a lot and she would have no doubt kick her panties away like Alice before her, if I didn't prevent that. I helped her dry her tears, though that proved futile, as new ones kept coming. While all the others took hold of their bottoms as their first post-spanking priority, Ginger has instead grabbed on my shirt and buried her face in my chest. Alice opened the door again -- the listeners knew that the spanking was over. All three of them came back. It took over five minutes before Ginger calmed down. Alice and Madeline held her until she stopped crying. First thing that came out of her when she stopped sobbing was a sincere apology to Madeline. The poor girl felt guilty for getting her paddled while Madeline reassured her that she (Ginger) wasn't the one who offended Mr. Lang, that she (Madeline) fully deserved to have her bottom paddled and that her (Madeline's) bottom barely even hurts now which, based on my experience, I deemed to be a blatant lie. "I... I must confess one more thing," said Ginger. "You see, I lied." "Lied about what?" I asked. "My name... you see, I'm not really called 'Ginger'. I'm Gina." "I thought that was a bit on the nose," I mumbled. "But all the documents..." "I'm a scholarship student," said Ginger (or Gina?). "My parents... they can hardly read. I filled all the documents for the school myself, they just signed it." "Why would you lie about your own name?" I asked. "I wanted to have a nickname," she admitted, embarrassed. "I never had one before." "Well," I said, "now that I know about that, I have to get it corrected on the official documents. But I don't think anyone will notice or change the way they address you." "Am I in trouble for that?" she asked, worried. "No, these things happen. As long as they don't happen again, right?" "Right," she nodded. "So," I said, "I believe someone said something about an ice-cream?" "We still have detention," pointed out Janet. "For the next fifteen minutes." "And detention, technically, means that you are in the care of the school-appointed disciplinarian, which is, at this point, me." I paused. "So come on -- I'm buying." * * * In the small ice-cream shop close to the school, Madeline was the first one to approach the counter. "What would you like, young lady?" asked the man behind the counter. She picked a wide cone, perfect for two scoops of ice-cream, side by side. "Two scoops of raspberry, please!" she said, and all four girls started to giggle. "Me too!" said Alice. "Me three!" That was Janet. "Likewise!" And Ginger. "Oh, what the heck," I said. "I'll take the same, and I'm paying for all of them." Soon, we were all walking down the street, cones in hand. "Oh!" said Ginger. "I just realized it! The reason you picked two scoops of raspberry is..." "Yes, yes," interrupted Madeline, "you don't have to say it. It's a secret." "Nobody knows we were... you know," said Alice. "But we have a secret sign now. The Raspberry Four!" "The Raspberry Four!" shouted Madeline in jubilation. Then she stumbled and fell on her butt, which visibly distressed her. "Ouch! Ow, ow, ow..." Janet somehow managed to grab Madeline's ice-cream as she was falling, and now she offered it back. Madeline ruefully accepted it. "I have the ice-cream too, you know," I said. "Shouldn't it be Raspberry Five?" "No, not really," said Ginger. "But you can be a honorary member?" "Sure." "Besides," smirked Janet, "I'm pretty sure that you're going to need some plausible deniability." And so... the punishment book opens on a new story. The Legend of Raspberry Four! [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: Welcome to Detention | Fulgur | 00:24:41 11/01/23 Wed |