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Subject: Re: Welcome to Detention | |
Author: Fulgur |
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Date Posted: 00:24:41 11/01/23 Wed In reply to: Fulgur 's message, "Welcome to Detention" on 08:11:22 08/30/23 Wed The Legend of Raspberry Four Part 2 Previously On Ginger couldn't quite believe her eyes when she saw it. "This is where you live?" Alice nodded. She seemed a bit uncomfortable. "But it's so big!" "Your family must be pretty rich," noted Madeline. "They are," said Alice. "But..." "But?" "We’re not really THAT rich. Dad made some money, I don't know, I'm not even sure what he DOES, to be honest... but he always said that he doesn't want his kids to grow up as rich brats." "But you ARE a brat," said Janet. "And you ARE rich." "Yes, I know, but being a rich brat is something quite different. I mean, would you be friends with a REAL rich brat?" "Probably not," said Madeline. "I might PRETEND to be, mind you. Just to get the perks." "So when you said you know a place where we can spend time together..." said Ginger. "I mean, I had to, right? We have all this space, and it's barely used! You see, mom and dad, they wanted... well, they always wanted a big family. That's why they got a big house. But it never quite happened. I'm an only child and I know they were almost giving up hope at that point." Alice sighed. "After I was born, the doctors told Mom that she wouldn't be able to have any more children. I mean, my aunts and uncles often visit with their kids, I have a lot of cousins, but that's just not the same." "So you grew up in this big house alone?" asked Janet. "More or less. And trust me, Mom and Dad have been pretty strict with me." "How strict?" "Well, just last month..." Alice wasn't having fun during the dinner. This had several immediate causes. The food was cold because it had been delivered late. Alice could, of course, have asked for it to be warmed, but she didn't really want to, as she didn't want to interrupt her mother's tirade and give her any reason to be even MORE angry with her. "...and I am not going to stand for it any longer!" "But, Mom!" she whined. "It was just an accident!" "The vase was priceless!" It would certainly be hard to put a price on it NOW, after it has been knocked down from its pedestal. It was, in fact, quite worthless to anyone except hardcore jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts. "I didn't want to break it!" "Alice Emily Brown, are you telling me that there are circumstances where you WOULD want to break it?" Such circumstances did, in fact, exist. Sometimes, Alice felt that large parts of the house were composed of fragile objects. Her mother was an avid collector of the fragile, and Alice was sometimes jealous; it was like she loved her vases and china figurines more than she loved her. "I just accidentally knocked into it!" "And just what, tell me, were you even doing in that part of the house?" "Huh?" "Don't you 'huh' me! You know very well you're not allowed in the gallery, not after the last time this happened!" "Oh. That. Well, you see, technically I didn't really go in there... you see, what happened, you see, was that I had been running in the hallway that leads up to the gallery, you see, and I tried to make a sharp turn right BEFORE the gallery, and one of my slippers, uh... slipped." "Slipped." "Yes, slipped right off of my foot, and flew directly into the vase." "Your slipper." "So, you see, I did nothing wrong." "Nothing. Then tell me, why was the gallery door even opened?" "I wanted to see inside. After all, don't you always say that it's good to look at the art?" Alice's mother reached into a bag next to her and pulled out a green slipper. "Is this it?" she demanded. "Is this that slipper?" "Yes! Um... can I have it back?" "Of course!" said her mother brightly. "Because I'm going to spank your bottom bright red with it so you'll remember not to do things like that in the future!" And that was it, really, thought Alice. Her father sometimes used spanking as a threat, but her mother never did. If she used that word, she was going to turn it into reality very, very soon. And so she did. "You know," said Alice thoughtfully, "if you have such a big, empty house, you can have a room for EVERYTHING." "Wait, so you mean there's a special room for you to be spanked in?" asked Ginger. "Well, so technically, you know, it's a guest room, third or fourth -- those numbers don't mean anything anyway -- but I don't remember ever having a guest there. Except me, I suppose, and I never go there willingly. Only when Mom grabs my arm and drags me there." As Alice was being dragged to the "spanking room", she tried to plead her case once again, but not very strongly. The facts of the case have been undoubtable and she has been found guilty, sentenced, and right now, she was pushed into a small bedroom where her sentence was to be carried out. "Right," said her mother. "No dilly-dallying. Pants down." Who says "dilly-dallying"? thought Alice absent-mindedly, as she obeyed. She pulled down her panties as well when she was at it -- she wouldn't be allowed to keep them anyway, and at this point, she just wanted it to be over. Her mother sat on the duvet -- the only thing that covered the unused bed -- and pulled her wayward daughter over her lap. "You are! Not! To! Enter! The! Gallery!" she scolded, interspersing her words with the sharp smacks of the slipper. "Or! To! Open! Its! Door!" Of course, the sharp pain in the bottom made it difficult for Alice to listen. The following scolding, going in the same manner, was therefore lost on her, and she was not able to provide a sufficient rendition to her friends later. "So, you see, it took quite some time for her to explain it to me, but I was sobbing and crying my eyes out and couldn't really pay attention. When she stopped talking, I started to REALLY plead that it was enough, but she kept on spanking me with that slipper. It was a heavy one, with a rubber sole, and I took both of them afterwards and buried them in the back of the shoe cabinet. I only wear soft-soled slippers now." "Smart move," noted Madeline. "My dad spanked me with a rubber-soled slipper once and it was awful!" "Yeah, so I thought, but two weeks after that, there was this funny business with a bad grade, and GUESS what came out? Mom said that she felt the slipper made 'quite an impression' on me!" She paused for a bit. "So, you see, this is why I preferred detention. I REALLY didn't want another letter to my parents." "You got spanked anyway," said Ginger. "Mr. Kellen spanked us all." "Thank you so VERY much for reminding me," grimaced Alice. "But a hand spanking was still much better than getting the slipper again." She took a plastic card from her bag and pressed it against a sensor. The wrought-iron gate opened. "Come in!" she called to the others. * * * The house didn't exactly have a garden, just a spacious yard with several garages. The front door was quite the ordinary type, which Madeline felt was wrong somehow. A house like this deserved a massive double door of dark oak -- preferably opened by a butler, not by an ordinary house key. "Hello, Mom?" called Alice. "I'm home! And I brought my friends!" A lady went out of one of the doors. The first thing the girls noticed was that she was surprisingly old -- definitely over fifty. Apparently, her wait for a child was truly long. But she was also smiling. "Welcome!" she said brightly. "Alice told me about you. I'm so glad she has already found friends at the new school!" "Yes," said Ginger, "we're also glad that we found her!" Alice's mother nodded. "Just don't get her into trouble -- or don't let HER get YOU into trouble, I suppose. She has quite a lot of energy." "I think I could connect her to some wires and let the extra energy power your house!" said Ginger. Everybody looked at her. "I was joking," she mumbled. "That doesn't mean it wasn't a good idea," mumbled Alice's mother. "The electricity bill is high enough. Now listen. The house has two floors and two wings. Alice's room is on the ground floor, east wing, and I would really appreciate if you didn't wander outside that part, alright? I have some VERY precious items upstairs." She sounded very sincere, thought Madeline. Not at all like that sort of mother who could take a slipper to a bare bottom. But she had to admit that Alice DID sound like a handful. "Take off your shoes, here," said Alice. Slippers -- soft -- were thoughtfully provided, and then the girls moved to the east wing. "This is my room," said Alice, pointing at one of the many doors. They were in a corridor that led along the north side of the building, and so it was fairly dark even now, in the afternoon. Fluorescent lights were on, and to Madeline it reminded her of the corridors in the school. The girls entered. "This is bigger than the living room in my house!" said Madeline, flabbergasted. "It's bigger than our entire apartment!" said Ginger. "I'd be afraid to sleep in such a big room." "Oh, I don't SLEEP in here," said Alice. "THAT door leads to my bedroom, you see. Come in!" The bedroom was smaller, but not SMALL, not by any measure. But it was a bit more modest, containing a big bed and not much else. "My bathroom is that way," said Alice. "So if you need to use it, you have to go through the bedroom. It's pretty convenient in the morning and evening." But the main attraction, she said, was the big room which had a comfy couch, a TV and some game consoles. Alice mentioned that she doesn't use them often, as she had "some troubles" focusing on one game for too long. "I have board games as well," she said. "I quite like the way they look and feel, but I don't have many chances to actually play them." There was a table -- big, of course, what else -- with several game boxes piled on it. Alice put them down and sat on a chair. "Right," she called, "I call the first meeting of the Raspberry Four to order! Roll call! Alice! Here! Madeline!" "Um... here?" offered Madeline politely, though she was quite baffled by the whole ordeal. "Ginger!" "Here?" "Janet!" "What exactly are you doing?" asked Janet. "Well, we are a club, aren't we? We have a name and everything." "We're friends," said Janet, "sure, but a club? I mean, what should we even do?" "Whatever we want," said Alice, somewhat petulantly. "Do we have to?" asked Janet. "I mean, we don't have to do anything in particular. This isn't a school activity." "I just..." Ginger put her hand on Alice's shoulder. "We could play board games?" "I mean, sure, but..." "Or videogames," said Janet. "I meant..." "Or," said Madeline, "how about..." "How about?" "Well," continued Madeline, "we're the Raspberry Four, and we all know how we got THAT name. We've seen each other spanked, and of course, you just told us that story about your mom..." Alice nodded. "You want to share our spanking experiences, don't you?" "Yes!" jumped Alice. "I mean, isn't it a bit weird? Our school still spanks, in this day and age? And we are all spanked at home -- save Ginger..." "Consider me saved," she mumbled. "Fine," said Janet, "so who's next?" "I have only been spanked once," said Ginger, "and you all know THAT story." All eyes turned to Madeline. "Alright, fine," she sighed, "let me tell you a little tale..." "I live in a house as well," started Madeline, "though it's not nearly as grand as this one. I live with my mom, and it has always been just the two of us. The house used to belong to my grandfather, but he died a few years ago and we moved to his place..." "Maddy!" called Madeline's mom from downstairs. The house was simple: kitchen and living room on the ground floor, and several bedrooms plus one bathroom on the upper floor. The only thing was, that even a small house was too big for two people -- or so Madeline often thought. She went down the stairs, not exactly pleased. "Yes, mom?" "I thought I told you to empty the dishwasher!" Madeline opened it. "But, mom, the dishes are still dirty!" "Exactly, Maddy, and why?" "Oh! Um..." "I clearly told you that you are to start it when you come home from school! And then empty it when it's done!" "Mom! I forgot!" "Why don't you appreciate it more, Maddy? Don't you remember how you hated to do the dishes in our old apartment? Now we have a machine to do it for us! Can't you even push a button? Is that too much for you?" "I just forgot to do it!" Madeline never knew her father, but all in all, she didn't consider it that important. Whatever contributions he made to her looks and personality were clearly minimal -- she was the spitting image of her mother, and that, unfortunately, was the main reason they often clashed. "Right," said her mother. "So that's two chores 'forgotten'" -- she made sure to pronounce the quotation marks -- "and that, with your attitude, gets you a spanking." She turned to the "chore board" -- a big table drawn up on an erasable board -- and wrote "spanking" in a free space. Actually, in two free spaces, as this was one chore both of them had to do together. "Mom!" "No discussion. You need this one." Getting a spanking wasn't THAT bad, thought Madeline, compared to some other things. For example, waiting for a spanking. Her mother always gave her "thirty minutes, Maddy!" to get ready for her punishment, but of course -- getting ready for one of her mom's spankings didn't take that much time. It was just getting dressed in her PJs -- no panties, of course -- brushing her hair, leaving the brush and then sitting on her bed, head in hands, waiting for the door to open. And of course, when it opened, all the preparation was in vain because Madeline looked at her mom and said, once again, how sorry she was and that she won't do it again -- wait, no, that she WILL do it next time -- and that there's no need in spanking her bottom. And her mother's reply -- like always -- was that she would be a bad example for her daughter if she didn't complete HER chores. And when the spanking was over... "Wait, come on!" said Alice. "What do you mean, when the spanking was over? You can't skip that!" "Oh, well, you know," said Madeline, embarrassed. "I don't really want to talk about it... Mom made me pull my PJ bottoms down... and then, she took the hairbrush." She sighed. "She sat on my bed, and I had to go over her lap, and she really went to work on my butt. I always cry a lot, but it does nothing, she simply continues until she's satisfied that I've been spanked enough, which, for some reason, is always much later than *I* feel the same way." So, anyway, when the spanking was FINALLY over, Madeline's mom left for other chores, leaving her well-punished daughter to lie on her bed, crying and clutching her red bottom. The good thing was that the punishment was over, the bad thing was that once Madeline calmed down, it was expected from her to go back down and tell her mom how sorry she was. Like any good home-maker, her mother liked to be complimented for her work. The other girls contemplated Madeline's story for a bit. Some of them knew the dread of waiting for a spanking, and even Ginger had some idea after the detention. Then Alice and Ginger turned to Janet. "What about you?" asked Ginger. "You said that you got already spanked for smoking, before the detention?" "Yeah," grimaced Janet, "and I really hoped I could talk Mr. Kellen into giving me a lighter punishment. He did, in a way, but..." "But?" "Yeah, it's always the butt, isn't it?" she sighed. "Fine, let me tell you what happened the day before that..." Janet was standing in the kitchen of her house, and her day was quickly going from bad to worse. If there was something her mother hated, it was smoking. Both her mother’s parents smoked a lot and her mother always hated it. Janet's father was a smoker when they met, but when he proposed to her mother, this was one thing she absolutely insisted that he give up. She interrogated her daughter mercilessly. Not about if she knew about the dangers of smoking -- she could hardly not know -- but about where she got the cigarettes. Finally, she was satisfied when Janet told her that she bought them at a store -- she looked older than she actually was and someone forgot to check her ID. Janet knew that she was in for a very bad evening and there was no point in worsening it by telling her mother the truth. "You had to wait half an hour," complained Janet to Madeline. "Well, let me tell you, half an hour is nothing at all! You see, Dad worked late that day. So I had to spend the whole afternoon waiting. When I get spanked, it's usually before dinner -- they are not fun dinners, let me tell you -- but that day, he got delayed and so we had dinner without him. I actually asked Mom if she could just spank me so it would be over. But she told me that no, I needed a real punishment and that's the belt from Dad. I hardly ate anything." For a short while after eight PM, Janet allowed herself to have some hope. Perhaps Dad would come home so late that she would already be asleep. Sure, that would mean that her punishment would be merely postponed, not cancelled, but still! No, it was not to be: she heard Dad's car a bit after half past eight. The door to her room opened exactly ten minutes later. "Your mom is pretty peeved, Janet," said Dad. He switched the light on and Janet saw, with a sinking feeling, that his belt was already out and in his hand. "But Dad..." "You know that we talked about this before." "We did more than talk," muttered Janet and instinctively clutched her bottom. "That's right, and it's needed again." "Dad, please! I... I got a detention for it, and I'll probably get the paddle tomorrow! Please, please, don't spank me tonight!" "If the school thinks you need to be paddled, then you probably do, Janet. I, for one, think you need the belt, and so that's what you're going to get from me." Janet took a breath. There was one last card to play. But it was risky. "Dad... I lied to Mom." "What?" "I told her I bought those cigarettes because I look older, but I didn't! I stole them!" "You did what, young lady?" asked her father, his voice cold as ice. "I took them from YOUR coat!" blurted Janet out. "Because I know YOU still smoke! You lie to Mom about that! Sometimes, she smells it on you, and you always tell her that there are many smokers in your office, but I know it's not true!" Her father frowned. Then he advanced and grabbed his daughter. She gulped. "It's just... not fair! You can't punish me for something YOU do!" "Oh, wanna bet?" Her father sighed. "I understand, Janet, but..." He sat on her bed. "I tried to stop smoking, many times. Really, I did. And sometimes, it worked for years, but stress and whatever... I could make up excuses, but I know it's wrong. I can't tell your mother the truth because I'm deeply ashamed of this part of me. I don't want her to think less of me because I'm so weak a bit of tobacco can defeat me, you understand?" Janet nodded. "Tell me, why did you smoke?" "Well... I mean, everyone does..." "Everyone?" "The cool girls do," muttered Janet. "And is that all? Do you crave cigarettes?" "No, I mean, they are... half-nice, half-gross..." "They are ALL gross," said her father sternly. "Good, that means you're not addicted... not like me. I might never kick this habit for good, and it's quite likely it will kill me one day. I know that, yet I cannot help myself. I don't want that for you!" "Um..." "So I'm afraid I'm still going to spank you, Janet." "But..." "Not for the smoking, at least not entirely for it, but as a warning. Because I want you to be a better person than I am." And there was the other reason as well, thought Janet. Her mom would be suspicious if no sounds of spanking came. Her Dad was going to use the belt on her to avoid a difficult conversation with his wife. It was cowardice, thought Janet. But would she do any better in his place? Probably not. She pushed her pants down, then her panties. "How many?" she asked. "Fifteen." "Dad, please! Can't you just do ten?" "Twelve, Janet, my final offer." She took that offer. She knelt by the bed and bent over it. She felt her father's hand pushing on her back, and then the belt swished through the air and hit her bottom with full force. She cried out. She always tried to not make a fuss when she was spanked, it was a point of pride for her. She was big and tough and could handle anything, everyone said that. But she couldn't handle the belt, and it hurt so much she lost count of how many she got. When her father let her go, she was actually surprised it was already over. "I won't smoke again," she sobbed, "but you must promise YOU won't either. If I find your cigarettes again, I'm taking them." "That's fair," said her father. "I'm not like Mom, you CAN'T lie to me. Promise me you'll stop!" "I can't promise that. I can promise I'll try, more than before, but... I can't guarantee the result. Deal?" "Deal." After few minutes, Janet's mom entered the room. Janet hadn't bothered pulling her pants up, as her mom liked to check on her dad's work. There was surprisingly little trust between them. "Good!" she nodded when she saw the state of Janet's bottom. "I trust that this will be good motivation for you!" She smacked Janet’s butt hard enough to earn a whimper and a glint of tears. "So I had to go to bed with a sore bottom," sighed Janet, "and it was still sore the next day. And then, of course, I had the detention and I got paddled on the bare butt, which wasn't my best moment, I can tell you that! But me and my dad have an agreement now and I will never tell anyone that he still sometimes smokes." "You just told us," said Ginger. "But you're my friends! We share secrets! So that doesn't count! By the way..." She turned to Ginger. "What about you? Have you really never been spanked before that day?" "I hadn't," said Ginger, a bit ashamed. "I mean, maybe there were moments when I should have been, but..." "Don't you worry about that!" said Alice. "If you ever need it, I can lend you a hand! Or a slipper..." "I think I'll pass," grimaced Ginger. "It was so... so embarrassing!" "If it was just painful or embarrassing, it would be enough," mumbled Madeline. "Why does it have to be both? I could die when Mom tells me to get over her lap." "So, Ginger," said Alice, "when you get another spanking..." "IF I get another spanking," objected Ginger. "Fine, IF you get another spanking, you must tell us about it. And we will all do the same. How about that?" "But it's embarrassing," said Madeline, still hung on that part. "Yes, but note the odds. There is one of you and three of us, so you'll hear about three times as many spankings as you'll have to tell about! Isn't that good odds?" Madeline turned to Ginger. "What do you think?" "Well, mathematically, it works out." "Fine," grumbled Madeline. "So, as the leader..." said Alice. "Hang on just a sec," interrupted Janet. "Why are you the leader?" "It's my house..." "Nope, that's something a rich brat would say. Why can't I be the leader?" "But..." Ginger raised her hand. "Um... excuse me?" "Yes?" asked Alice and Janet together. "What exactly would the leader do? Do we even need one?" Alice and Janet thought about that. "I guess we DON'T right away..." said Alice, a bit peeved. "But eventually..." "Then we can decide eventually," said Ginger firmly. "And now, I would really like to hear about some of these board games..." But at that very moment, someone opened the door. It was Alice's mom. She was holding a hard slipper in her hand and she was frowning. "Alice! I just got a call from the school! Were you tardy for a whole week?!" Alice jumped. "Oh! Mom, that's been taken care of! Honest! I... I got detention and I was spanked, and everything! You don't have to... please!" "You got a detention and a school punishment, and you didn't say anything?!" Alice's mom grew angrier and angrier. "Well, we'll see if we can get to the bottom of THAT story! Let's go!" "But Mom! My friends..." "Please, you don't have to worry about us!" said Ginger. She patted Alice's shoulder sympathetically. "We'll wait here, we promise we won't break anything! We'll be here for you when you get back!" "What? No, please! Mom, I don't want a spanking! No, not the slipper!" But she was turned around and marched out of the room, despite her desperate pleading. "Girls... do you think she wanted us to go home?" asked Madeline hesitatingly. "I mean..." "Eh," said Janet, "you don't always get what you want, you know. Just think about the story she's going to tell us!" "You know..." said Ginger, hesitating, "I think something is off here." "What do you mean?" asked Madeline. "When we were in detention, Alice said that Mrs. Stanford gave her a choice: detention in school or telling her parents." "Right," nodded Madeline, "but Alice got spanked in detention and Mrs. Stanford STILL told her parents? That's just not fair." "We don't know it was her," said Ginger. "Her mom just said that she got a 'call from the school'. So who was it?" "I don't know," said Janet, "but I know that there is an honorary member of the Raspberry Four at the school... and we should probably ask him." [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |