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Date Posted: 14:06:13 05/14/09 Thu
Author: Nararea
Subject: Nararea’s guide to a Vaul specced SM

The purpose with this build is not aimed at actually killing enemies but rather bring disorder in to enemy lines and protect your team. In order to do that what stats do you need? Lots of toughness and Wounds and those nice pieces of disrupt jewelry. This really sets it apart in comparison to a Khaine specced SM
Tactics: 1) Rugged + 160 toughness, 2) Calming winds +10%/+20% disrupt in improved and perfect balance, 3) Ishias protection heals are 20% more effective on you and 4) Enscrolled agony
Offence bringing disorder: find a healer or a caster use the following attack rotation.
Rotation 1
Enscrolled blow followed by 2) Crushing advance this attack interrupts any spell being cast and your armor will be increased by 940 for the next 20 sec, followed by 3) Crashing wave this attack knock downs your target for 3 sec and makes your group immune to all KD, stun, disarm and silence for 4 sec.
Rotation 2
Enscrolled blow followed by 2) Quick Incision snares target followed 3) Dazzling strike disorient your taget and increase build time with 50%
In short 1) attack -> 2) disrupt -> 3) Knock down -> 4) attack ->5) snare -> 6) disorient + increased build time.
Once finished start the chain all over again. In my experience a healer stand their ground at first but starts to try and shake you off after a while. The above chain doesn’t kill them but they sure don’t get many heals ;-) soon they will begin to hate you trust me you’ll notice.
If you stack toughness and wounds you can really take a lot of beating so don’t be afraid of pushing in to enemy lines.
Defence help your team: Face those choppas and use the following rotation
Rotation 1
Enscrolled blow followed by 2) Quick Incision snares target followed 3) Gusting wind knocks away all enemies within 30 feet use GW as often as you can.
Rotation 2
Enscrolled blow followed by 2) Wrath of Hoeth spirit debuff followed by 3) Dragons talon 4 sec 20% damage debuff.
Apart from break through enemy tanks and mele dps and straight in to the middle of squishies and use Ghustling wind to knock them in to the front of battle. If you succeed use Champions challenge to hold them there.

Good luck to you all and thanks Pete for inspiring me to write this build.

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