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Date Posted: 09:37:05 06/26/09 Fri
Author: Raj
Subject: LoTD - First impressions

I just want to tell you about what I think about the "Land of the dead". This is only my first impressions.

LoTD have just been released so it may change during the upcoming weeks.

The first few hours of being in LoTD i did actually have alot of fun, but later it just turned into a grind that I had to do, just to get the "Awsome items" and that really sucked the fun right out of it.

To buy one of the super items in there you need alot of scarabs and even if they drop in an ok rate you do need ALOT of them to get the good stuff. I played in there for 6-7 hours the day we had the free 24hours of free destro time. I got about 40 silver and 15 or so gold scarabs, and I was nonstop active in pq's and killing mobs like crasy. To get the good stuff you might need over 200 silver and 20 or so gold scarabs and on top of that you need some stuff from the tombs to get it.

Thats alot of PvE for someone that wants to stay away from it.

Another thing is that when LoTD open for order, destro has a field day in T4 since not many of order is out defending, so the few orders there just get zerged, and when it opens for destro it switches and destro gets zerged in T4. So far it seems that LoTD has made T4 even more a zerg than it was before, depending who got control of LoTD. I really hope it will change after the euphoria of LoTD has cooled down.

When the zone flips and LoTD opens for the other side lets say destro, it does not take long for destro to wipe all order in there, if an order player dies and dont get ressed he is just kicked out from the zone. Where is the damn RvR here? I was hoping there could be battles in there and small teams like ours could roam around.

Whats the point in invading an enemy tomb instance if they wipe its all over.

I think the LoTD should be open for all, at all times, now that would be fun.

Well maybe I am all wrong here, and it will lead to something good.

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