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Date Posted: 10:48:30 06/30/09 Tue
Author: Raj/Cissi
Subject: Last night fights

I must say I really enyoj the fights we had last night.

It started all out in LotD when Destro got it locked.
At the time it was me on Cissi(KoTBS), Olivia(WP), Wahldemar (WP) and Reloader(WH). So we had the healing, defence and little dps from me and full dps from Reloader.

Destro attacked us in LoTD and we managed to push them back with the help of other order. Then they attacked full out and there was one huge fight, but this time destro zerg failed since it seemed order not wanted just to hand LoTD over to destro, and order had all gathered at the same place and stod their ground when the destro zerg attacked. Order seemed very cordinated and many order attacked the destro healers and they got very hard pressed, in the meen time destro tried to do the same, but due to great healing and good defence/resses the order was the victor and rolled the last destros, and huntng them all all the way back to their WC. But in the end Destro kicked us out.

But what a great fight. :-)

After a while we decided to head for Praag and fight their a while and also doing some SC. And I must say I have not been in so intence fighting in those sc's we had. We where up against premades and we won some and the one or two we lost was not the lack of fighting, and not giving it freely to destro. It was due to fantastic healing and I would also say good cordination between me Reloader targeting the same enemy healer and me trying to keep our healers safe from destro, ofc I did not allways succeed with it but I did try.

Laster we where joined in Praag with Tolk(WP) and Domill(WH). Now 3 WP can heal alot. We found a great place to hide and gank enemy destro when they tried to head for a keep attack. We got alot of kills that way and also great even fights, with 2 WH and a KotBS that could interupt their healers and massive healing we could stay up long.

Ofc all the healing could not stand up against an attack from a WB, we where hidden when we saw alot of destro heading passed, maybe 2wb or so, and when they where gone we was thinking on attaking the straglers, and we then we attacked. However we did not think there would another wb stragling ;-)

But we had some fun and thats the main thing, later in the evening Older joined us on his enegineer. When Older joined us I had to log so I have no info of other fight after that, but i am sure they would have done great.

One side note.
At one time in Praag I got a bit mad, and I snapped. And I said some stuff I should not have. I do applogize to all involve, it was not my meening. If you feel anyway that you where wrongly targeted. Please let me know so I can amend.
I am very sorry.

Cheers all
Cya in game

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