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Date Posted: 12:41:17 07/17/09 Fri
Author: Nararea
Subject: Re: Yea you are right
In reply to: Raj 's message, "Yea you are right" on 11:35:59 07/17/09 Fri

Khaine is purely dmg 2-hand spec with no CC in the spec tree. The tree has some great tactics in it.

As I see it tanks will be forced in to stereotyped roles more now. Hang back by casters and healers using body guard, challange and hold the line like abilities with sword and board. On the offensive the best thing they can do now is getting disrupt gear and break spells with build up timers. The other role is to spec for pure damage and go with two hander. These spec trees usually has less cc and disrupt abilities.

What I specced my SM for was basically the middle ground. Medium damage with CC abilities and I think this will be less effective going forward.

The AM revamp is so big I don't really have a clue. The Am will become a stronger healer if you spec for it. De buffs and offensive spells will be moved around a bit. I don't think the Mechanic change is included in this one. When that one comes live an AM is pidgenwholed in to doing one thing. As it is today I use alot of de buff abilities (toughness de buffs, silence, healing debuffs, dmg debuffs, action point drains) when we are preassuring the enemies and then switching back to healing when we are under preassure. Might do the class stronger but a bit more boring.

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