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Date Posted: 15:24:17 04/20/09 Mon
Author: Raj
Subject: Medallions & Crests - RvR Currency

Medallions & Crests - RvR Currency

Medallions are the basic currency of the Quartermaster system. There are two basic types of Medallions they are

Common Medallions

Common Medallions are the basic barter currency used in the system.
These are the medallions that are handed out frequently and in larger quantities for most RvR events. Players will use common medallion types to purchase lower level equipment and disposable
items throughout their RvR play experience. In addition common medallions will be required as part of the purchase cost for unique powerful items.

Common medallions are awarded in Tier 1 through Tier 4 and come in 4 types

Rare Crests

Rare crests are awarded less frequently and from very specific events. These Rare medallions are used in combination with common medallions to purchase powerful endgame items. The types of Rare medallions are below

Earning Medallions & Crests

There are numerous ways to earn medallions in each Tier, in the below section we will cover the most common ways of doing so.

Player kills

Every player kill has a fairly reasonable chance to drop a medallion appropriate to that players level, this medallion can then be rolled on by group members participating in the kill (or master looted). This will occur in an RvR situation including outside of the oRvR areas and in scenarios. Below are the level ranges for player dropped Medallions

In addition High realm rank players have a small chance of dropping rare crests in addition to their normal common Medallions drops. Killing a high RR player could possibly result in multiple rare and common Medallions awarded!

Keep Capture

ANY player who participates in a keep capture will be rewarded 2 common medallions appropriate for that tier content. Players who win a PQ bag will have the choice of taking the item out of the bag or a medallion reward instead. Players who do not win a PQ bag will automatically be awarded medallions directly into their inventory.

Zone Capture

ANY player who participates in a Zone capture will be rewarded 5 common medallions appropriate for that tier content. Players who are credited with participating in the capture of keeps / BO's will earn additional medallions when the zone is captured. These rewards are as follows

Tier 4 Campaign

Rank 40+ players will gain rare Crests for participating in the T4 Campaign and unlocking the capitol cities this includes the following

Fortress Capture / Defense

All players will be awarded Rare Conqueror Crests for participating in a Fortress Capture or Defense. Just like keeps these will be awarded directly to the player if they do not win a PQ bag or available as an option to players who win bags.

City Invasion

Capitol City Invasion rewards a number of different Rare Crests depending on what part of the City Invasion you participate in. Generally these rewards work just like Fortress and Keep rewards and are automatically awarded to the player at the end of a PQ.

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