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Date Posted: 15:34:12 04/20/09 Mon
Author: Raj
Subject: Quartermasters & Purchasing Items
In reply to:
's message, "Medallions & Crests - RvR Currency" on 15:24:17 04/20/09 Mon
Quartermasters & Purchasing Items
Players can exchange their medallions to Quartermasters for a variety
of different rewards. While the rewards are
limited to RvR set items we plan to expand the
rewards further with later patchesTypes of Quartermasters
Each Tier has a specific quartermaster who
will accept medallions in exchange for items.
Currently these quartermasters can be found in
the Marketplace region of the City as well as in
Guild Halls.
- Recruit's Quartermaster - T1 Items,
found in Capitol city & Guild Hall
- Scout's Quartermaster - T2 Items, found
in Capitol city & Guild Hall
- Soldier's Quartermaster - T3 Items,
found in Capitol city & Guild Hall
- Officer's Quartermaster - T4 Items,
found in Capitol city & Guild Hall
- Royal Quartermaster - City Siege items,
found in Palace & Guild Hall
How to make purchases & What you can buy?
Trading in Medallions is easy; just find the Quartermaster who has the
goods you desire. That Quartermaster will have a
special Store listing all of the goods for sale,
all you have to do is purchase the item as
normal and the appropriate number of medallions
will be removed from your inventory.
Currently the items available on the Quartermaster are limited to set
items and some simple RvR only potions. In the
future we will expand on this, however for now
you can find the below items on Quartermasters
- Recruit Quartermaster - Sells Decimator
armor set & T4 RvR Potions
- Scout Quartermaster - Sells Obliterator
armor set & T4 RvR Potions
- Recruit Quartermaster - Sells Devastator
armor set & T4 RvR Potions
- Recruit Quartermaster -
Sells Annihilator and Conqueror armor sets &
T4 RvR Potions
- Recruit Quartermaster -
Sells Invader, Warlord, and Sovereign armor
sets & RR 50+ RvR Potions
RvR Potions & Expendable items
While its great to be able to purchase equipment we also wanted to
allow players to spend common tokens on useful
items that can help their performance in RvR. As
such we are introducing new expendable items
that can be purchased cheaply and used only in
RvR. The first of these are RvR potions with
details below.
- RvR potions have their own
cooldown times and can be used in
conjunction with crafted potions
- RvR potions can only be
used while flagged for RvR, and cannot be
used in non RvR dungeons
- Initial release of RvR
potions will include AP & Healing potions
Examples of Costs of items
So everyone wants to know how much items will cost. As always this is
to change but here are some examples of items
from various Quartermasters.
- Decimator Boots - 15 Recruit Medallions
- Obliterator Chestpeice - 125 Scout
- Devastator Helm - 135 Soldier Medallions
- Annihilator Shoulders - 250 Officer
- Conquerors Belt - 15 Conqueror crests
and 375 officer Medallions
- Invader Gloves - 5 Invader crests and
400 officer Medallions
- Warlord Boots - 6 Warlord crests and 400
officer Medallions
- Sovereign Gloves - 6 Royal crests and
475 officer Medallion
- Soldier's Healing Potion - 5 Soldier
- Officers AP Potion - 5 Officer
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