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Subject: Judging LA NAM May 30-June 2, 2014

Jerri James
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Date Posted: 08:04:07 01/16/14 Thu

May 30 – June 2, 2014
Louisiana National American Miss
Crowne Plaza
4728 Constitution Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Louisiana National American Miss Pageants are currently seeking judges for its main competition (formal wear, on-stage introduction, and interview) scheduled for Friday, May 30, arriving by 2:00 PM on that Friday and staying until the end of the pageant on Monday night, June 2. Roundtrip mileage from your home to the hotel site is paid. Hotel accommodations from check-in on Friday to check-out on Tuesday morning are also paid by the Pageant for our main pageant judges. However, same sex judges or judges who come with a significant other or with a friend who is also willing to judge, must share a room. In addition, meals such as continental breakfast items, deli products for lunches, fruits, drinks, an assortment of snacks, and dinners from the local establishments are provided from Friday thru Monday night.

We also need day judges for Friday, May 30 and Sunday, June 1, for the optional events (talent, casual wear modeling, actress, and spokesmodel). Hotel maybe provided for these optional judges as well. In addition, they will also be paid mileage as well as provided lunch.

If you have a reasonable commute to Baton Rouge from your home location, and have pageantry experience, performing arts, or related life experiences in evaluating people, skills, and things, please email me at jjames@prodigy.net as soon as possible. Be sure to include in your email your qualifications or attach a resume.

Jerri James
Judges’ Chair

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