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Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 17:56:21 09/24/09 Thu
In reply to: Mike 's message, "Re: Nude during physical exam" on 13:25:48 07/13/09 Mon

I assisted as a nurse in the reception area of a remand home for boys in the early seventies .
It was the arrangement that all new boys arriving off the coach from juvenile courts around the south east would be subjected to a thorough medical examination .
Many of the boys would have been away from home for the first time . So amidst some sobbing and tears they would be lead along the corridor to our well lit medical examination room where I would try to put them at some ease .
I would take details of each boy before they were told by one of the male staff to strip completely naked .
They were required to get into line and be examined head to toe .
The process was carried out as quickly and efficiently as was practical ,but for the boys it probably seemed ages before they would put on some clean fresh clothing after taking their mandatory supervised shower . .

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[> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 04:41:36 09/25/09 Fri

What was your reaction to doing your job? Did you like seeing all those boys nude?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 20:21:07 09/27/09 Sun

I had worked as an assistant to the matron at a small private school and I was offered this job during my time there .
I attended an interview after a series of communications with the boys home .
I was invited to sit in on one of the induction sessions when about half a dozen boys were due to arrive and undergo the mandatory induction and inspection processes .
This was a remand home and there was not much in the way of modesty afforded these boys .
Yes ,I suppose I felt a bit sorry for them as they were being lead in , all looking nervous and bewildered .
The process was again explained to me and I was aware , as they now also were , that each boy would strip naked and allow the male doctor to examine them unhindered .
I was told that I would need to observe and note any comments made by the doctor as he checked over each boy and that I was to observe the inspection .
Seeing naked boys was not the unpleasant part of the job . I suppose in some ways going home time for me was , knowing that they would not be doing so for some time .

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 08:10:43 11/02/09 Mon

"I had worked as an assistant to the matron at a small private school and I was offered this job during my time there."

As assistant to the matron at the private school you must have seen a lot of nude boys frequently as part of your job. How old were the boys there, and how old were you? Matron's assistants are usually very young. As you indicate in this post you must have preferred to see the older nude boys at the remand home.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 12:47:55 09/26/09 Sat

I hope you got to supervise their shower. Seriously though, what were your exact duties?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 20:35:17 09/27/09 Sun

Well ,no I did`nt actualy see the boys showering though
it was in the same area but partialy screened off by a low wall .
It was the job of one of the male staff to take each boy over to the showers and observe that everywhere was properly cleaned .
I would take any health details or read any medical notes that might accompany a boy .
I would then stand by the doctor and observe any comments
he might make about a boys general state of health development and personal hygeine as he was thoroughly examined fully nude .

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 02:27:36 09/28/09 Mon

I went to a boys' boarding school where every Friday afternoon we had a communal bath or shower (we had 3 large baths which we could get in three or four at a time). This was supervised by our matron or one of her assistants, who would check us to make sure we'd washed properly. Once a year for the first three years we had to go from this weekly bath to see the school doctor. We went to the doctor in our dressing gowns, which we removed befoe going in for examination.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Richard to Jean
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Date Posted: 15:01:33 10/01/09 Thu

We were aged from 10 to 13 years when we had our baths and medicals. The matron would have been in her mid-fifties. One of her assistants was in her 40s I'd say and the other occasional assistant in her 30s perhaps. Hard to say.
After school on a Friday we'd go to the washrooms where the matron had already run our baths. Some of us would get into the bath together (3 or 4 at a time) - the rest would be under the shower. The matron was always popping in and out during this time. She didn't always inspect everyone (we'd have been there all day!) but she did "spot checks" where we'd have to open our towels in front of her and show ourselves. It sounds very dodgy now, but actually we just accepted it and got used to it.
When we were seeing the doctor we'd go over to the medical centre in dressing gowns. We usually left these off in matron's office and walked down the corridor nude, 3 or 4 at a time, to the doctor's. I don't know why we did this. It was a bit strange. The actual exam was pretty low key. We had to stand on a mat in front of the doctor while he looked at us. Some boys claimed the doctor lifted up their penis to look at their testes, but this never happened to me. As I recall we had the stethoscope on chest and back, ear and throat exams but I don't recall anything else.
The doc was male (always the same) and the matron and or a nurse were present as far as I recall.
After the first three years we were still examined every year, but not nude. My best memory is having a tetanus injection in my bottom from the matron's assistant in my final year!

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 19:12:32 10/24/09 Sat

Marjorie Saunders. At least these boys had a male physician to administer the physicals. I can just imagine what it would have been like for them had a woman doctor performed the examinations.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 22:34:00 11/18/09 Wed

Karen. Having a pair of shorts on is just about being nude. And thats the way it was when we had our physicals in the sixth grade. The nurse stood behind us and turned our heads gently to the left as the doctor,a woman, pulled down our shorts to check our genitles. Some on this board have refered to this as the "shocker".

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 20:46:30 11/21/09 Sat

Karen. I'm sure you had physicals in school. Would you like to share some of you thoughts on those exams? My guess is that you would have prefered to have been examined by a female physician.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 19:03:23 09/29/09 Tue

The following are my experiences with medical exams with female personnel. A female family physician doctor examined my scrotum simply by reaching out and grabbing me by the balls. No warning or anything. On another exam, a female urologist told me she had to examine me and after I pulled my pants down she examined and touched me so thoroughly that I got an erection while she was handling me. She continued the hands on exam of my erect cock. Another female family physician (on the first visit to see her about a possible urinary infection ) told me to touch myself while she watched so that I would have some precum to send to the lab on a specimen stick. On the 2nd visit, she told me to pull my pants down even though I was seeing her about an unrelated condition. Another female family doc examind me completely nude even though most of the exam didn't need all of my clothes off. On another occasion I was in the hospital for an erection exam with a chemical inserted into my cock to make it erect. During the exam a female nurse and a female radiologist were both viewing my erect cock. When the exam was finished and everybody cleared out of the room except me and the nurse, my cock was bleeding and it wouldn't stop. The nurse grabbed my erection and squeezed so that the blood would clot. Another time when I was in the hospital emergency on a false alarm heart attack , the female doctor grabbed my cock( for no reason) , underneath my hospital gown. The last experience was when I was examined for genital warts in another female doctor's office, the doctor rested her arm on my bare leg while examining my penis and smiling all the time.
When I was in an STD clinic, the female doctor was playing with my semi erect cock to enable precum for the specimen stick. Afterwards outside the room she gave me a huge smile.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 19:04:34 09/29/09 Tue

On a recent visit to my new female GP since the other one is on maternity leave, the doctor had the tech weigh me on the scale. Based on my weight and height there was a question of whether I was underweight or not and she would monitor it with me in the coming months. Since I am a runner I do not weigh that much but I went to a fitness gym to get the body fat caliper test which the medical profession doesn't do. The highly accurate body dunk tank method is extremely rarely done anywhere so that option is out. So the fitness people measured me at 12.4% which is perfect.
I am healthy and my body fat % is good and so I went back to my female GP to confront her with this new info. She agreed that maybe her original concern was out of line but before she said anything more I said to her that she should look at my body and decide for herself which is what she didn't do last time. So I quickly stripped down with her in the examining room and I took everything off including my boxer shorts which double as a swimsuit. I purposefully wore boxer shorts just in case she asked me why I am taking the shorts off as well.
My answer would have been that they cover too much of the leg. However she never even questioned the fact that I was taking my shorts off too. So there I am, completely nude except for my socks and I am literally posing for her and asking her if my muscle definition is good enough and where should I put on weight? She agreed that I have good muscle definition and that I am not underweight. That was the diagnosis after looking at my completely nude body for a good 3 minutes. I was even posing for her with different poses including the 2 arm Mr. Muscle classic pose. This was very exciting and I couldn't wait to get back home and masturbate.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 01:42:01 09/30/09 Wed

If it was so exciting, did you get an erection while she was looking at you? If so, what did she say? If not, why not?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 12:19:53 11/26/10 Fri

Vera. Males don't get erections for just any reason. I had a woman physician examine me throughout all of my school years and I didn't start to get an erection until the ninth grade when i was relaxed and knew what to expect. The doctor was a pleasant woman and didn't seem to pay much attention to my stiffening organ.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 22:15:58 09/30/09 Wed

No, I didn't get an erection because obviously I couldn't touch myself. Maybe if I had been 20 years old again, I would have had an erection but unfortunately too many years have passed by since then. If you want to see my splash video email me at UltraUter@hotmail.com and I will send you the link.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Nancy B.
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Date Posted: 00:56:45 10/01/09 Thu

She stared at you naked for a full three minutes? I doubt it. Surely you exaggerate.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

jean the frenchie
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Date Posted: 05:27:38 10/01/09 Thu

First a question to "Richard" : he did not say what was the age of the boys when he was in a boy's boarding school and had a weekly bath supervised by a matron or one of her assistants ( what was her age?), how was performed the check of their cleanliness after the bath? and how the physicals were performed by the school doctor once a year, was it alone or assisted? were they examined alone or in group after coming with their dressing gown after the bath ?
how lond did this exam last and at what age did it stopped? he said the first three years what happened after these years?

Second, a question to "M%arjorie Saunders" : what was the age of the boys who came from juvenile courts in this remand home? how lond did theuy stay naked?
if I have well undestood,first you were asking them some questions to fill an administrative or a medical form ? but they were still dressed?, then they were instructed to remove all their clothes by a supervisor but was it in front of you? and they were led to a shower but you were not here to supervise them, and after they come back in an exam room in front of a doctor and you, as nurse assistant who took notes. But how did they come from the shower room?,always naked? they had to walk already naked, how much persons could see them ? during the examination, were you alone with the doctor or was there other adults to supervise them? were they examined one by one or all together? was some exams as the eye vision or the weigh in performed also in the nude, by whom, you or the doctor

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 16:39:42 10/01/09 Thu

Yes, It took a full 3 minutes to describe my body as I was doing a Mr. Muscle pose and I was turning around and commenting on different parts of my body asking her if she thought I was too thin. She had to agree after looking at my torso for that length of time that I definitely was not too thin.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 18:25:08 10/01/09 Thu

Replying to jean the frenchie .
The remand home dealt with boys aged twelve to seventeen .
All new boys arriving were subject to a mandatory strip naked medical and personal hygeine inspection .This was followed by a shower . Each boy was provided with a change of underware jeans and a top .
Each new group of boys would be brought into the reception area . A fairly large well lit half tiled room .
I would be the first to greet them in this room ,though two other male staff members would have entered with them . Also of course the doctor would be present in the room or on his way .
I would open a medical record for each boy ,checking details of name , age , home address , school etc . Also details from the boy or any medical notes accompanying the boy regarding any health issues . These would be placed with his medical record .
On completion of such details from each boy I would indicate to one of the male staff to instruct the boys to get completely undressed place their clothing in a marked bag and form a line to be weighed and measured by myself .
By this time the doctor was ready to begin examining the first boy lined up in front of him and I would join him
to take his observations as he checked each boy . Scalp ,ears , teeth ,underarms ,chest and back sounded ,then penis testicles and bending over , buttocks spread for visual inspection .
As the doctor finished with each boy he would be lead over to the showers by a staff member to join any others as they washed under supervision .

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Don to Marjorie
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Date Posted: 06:37:18 10/02/09 Fri

What a hippocrit! All you do on another site is complain about how you were sexually abused and how you will NEVER accept opposite gender care or be examined by a man while naked. But you believe it's OK for you to do that exact thing to young, volnurable and scared boys? How can you live with yourself? Did you really think it was alright to do that?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 11:23:56 10/03/09 Sat

Sorry Don ,I think you have got a bit confused here with someone else ?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

jean the frenchie
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Date Posted: 18:24:30 10/05/09 Mon

"Marjorie" : I have still some questions about your experience in a remand home.

You have said that the boys were from 12 to 17 age ; When some boys came from juvenile courts, did they were gathered by group of about the same age, for example a first group from 12 to 14 age, and an other group of 14 to 17 age or did they were gathered in a group of half a dozen all mixed in ages of 12 to 17 and forced to report in front of you all together ?

If they were mixed all together with a great difference of age,it would be more embarrassing for the older boys who were naked with the younger ones in the same line first in front of you and after in front of the doctor.

I am also surprised that they were led to take a shower all together after the thorough examination by the doctor.
In my opinion,it would have been more efficient if the boys took their shower before examination, their cleanliness would have been checked before and not after.
If I was a doctor, I would order that the process of inspection was modified. It would be more normal.

An other issue was that if I have well undersrtood,the boys were naked for the first part of the examination, the weigh of course, but also I presume for a vision test which was not necessary.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 18:03:33 10/07/09 Wed

In answer to jean the frenchie ,the boys were just a mixed age group as sent and as a mixed group they had to undergo the reception process or procedure .
As each boy`s inspection was completed he would be ushered over to the showers on the other side of the reception area . This was effectively in the same room but was partly screened by a low wall.
This would then make way for the next boy in line to step forward for inspection and so on .
The boys arriving would have come from all sorts of backgrounds and personal hygeine standards ,often poor . So the procedure of having to undress for the doctor`s inspection before a shower allowed for easier identification of any parasitic conditions that might be accompanying a boy . This would of course be noted and any treatment provided . Then the shower ,some treatment if required followed by clean underware and some clean outer clothing .

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 13:42:38 10/06/09 Tue

I don't know if Marjorie is still around because I wanted to ask her if she was the only female employed in this remand home for boys. I have seen several other accounts on other forums about these remand homes or juvenile detention centres where several of the guards were women, sometimes girls just out of college, who regularly searched the boys nude or oversaw them while showering as part of their duty. I think it is or was the same in some bootcamps where the boys are humiliated in every way to increase their punishment and discipline. Can anyone confirm this?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 18:13:17 10/07/09 Wed

In reply to Jock ,yes there were one or two other women employed at the home .
Certainly at least one in the office and they did have a matron . Another woman came in for music lessons for those who showed an interest .
Humiliation was never any intended part of the process.
The requirement to strip was for a reason , it was I know similar to procedures at a remand home for girls also .

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 06:13:58 11/01/09 Sun

Marjorie, I think you said in another post that no other female was present in the reception area when the boys came in. But I think Jock is right when he said that in many of these remand homes for juveniles there would sometimes be other females present, like a secretary to take down the particulars of each boy apart fom the medical one. In one account it is even mentioned that the reception area where the boys were made to strip for inspection had a window next to the office where the female clerk employees worked and could easily see the proceedings. Not to mention that some of the guards or carers at these homes were female and would monitor the boys all the time. But this was obviously not in your case. Was this in England, because in America it may be different.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 00:24:36 01/14/25 Tue

I never had to go to juvenile detention for any reason, but in 3rd and fourth grade, I was strongly encouraged to get completely undressed for a towel bath by the librarian of the school system back in the 1970s,
The teacher that taught me how to make it happen, apparently "'IT'" was in reference to my getting the task accomplished as quickly as possible, by whatever means the hall monitor escorting me to the boy's n bathroom determines necessary for an immediate return to class in the way of checking the process of making a bowl movement or something like that type of draconian Hitler youth gadstapo stazi type nonsense turned into me and my mortification when I saw the situation as anytjing but trivial and my perceptions about the authoritiey of the hall monitor Hygiene inspection and development examination in my underwear off the floor and me as well if I didn't comply with instructions to life my ankles to free the offending undergarment of my body when BIG BROTHER Michelle, who was one of few girl's teacher possessing the strength and size to force the issue, and with me struggling with chronic bronchitis among other physical limitations,
Bridging the gap between my chest and my kneecaps was as easy as I saying that I don't want to bend over double and grab my ankles, since I didn't see anything wrong with me being naked when the person who is not taking no for an answer, grabbed the back of my neck, reaching under my inner thighs from behind my bare bottom,
and forced me into compliance with my checking myself before recking myself was actually a thing. I could see the open door the entrance to the boy's bathroom with the librarian in the process of shining a flashlight over my face and hamstrings to my extreme humiliation by being naked when I wasn't able to do anything about it was my fault and the likelihood that I wasn't going to be in agreement with her her opinion and she remembered that I had a library book overdue and she was not helping me to get dressed for the forseeabe future with attitudes and the faculty of perversion to make sure that I was able to get over my embarrassment of being seen in the undignified situation "from a boy's perspective point of view" I could ever hope to be in, the policy on the bathroom door remained open at all times because of the underwear constricting my air supply to my lungs or testicles or something, I have nothing to say about the morning wood condition with my friend's little sister pulling down my scrotal sack along with my underwear, because I had to reevaluate my perceptions about equality among the genders and races concept my mother encouraged me to embrace, because I have learned that my mom's priorities about ethics and social reform, were not yet shared by the masses of the 70s in America. doors to the while I was using the toilet with my hall monitor escort

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