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Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 00:58:41 11/03/09 Tue
In reply to: Mike 's message, "Re: Nude during physical exam" on 13:25:48 07/13/09 Mon

Marjorie, I presume that these were British youths and almost all would therefore be uncircumcised (especially if working or middle class boys)? Were their prepuces retracted by the doctor (or were they asked to retract their foreskins themselves) to test for phimosis? Would this be part of the "hygiene control"? Was there a system of mandatory circumcision as some institutions (e.g. some Borstols and, apparantly, in some countries such as in the USA and Australia) practised? Did the doctor comment on their circumcision status, foreskin pliability and hygiene? How did the boys react to their very public examination?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 18:30:21 11/04/09 Wed

Replying to Tiny . Well generaly these were just boys from ordinary working class families . Though I can relate that sometimes boys from obviously higher social levels would be brought into the reception area .
This would be obvious by their apperance and of course by the way they spoke .
But in a remand home their are no distinctions . If they found themselves in here they would have no option but to obey any orders from the male staff .
One of the first being to strip naked and line up for inspection .
It was the doctor who would push back a boys foreskin if it was present ,and it usually was . This was for health and hygiene purposes .
But before that of course the doctor would want to see scalp ears inside mouth underarms hands fingernails , pubic region . The boy would then have to turn around to show souls of feet and bend over to allow the doctor to
spread his buttocks for a qhick visual inspection.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 01:25:40 11/05/09 Thu

Marjorie, did you enjoy watching those teen boys lined up nude waiting for inspection and during the inspection itself? how old were you then?
Also what was your duty at the boys school as matron's assistant?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

jean the frenchie
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Date Posted: 17:49:05 11/05/09 Thu

to "Marjorie"

I presume that the few boys of higher society were more embarrassed during this first inspection and examination than those of lower class society?

you said that thre was a great difference between the inspection of boys and girls at their arrival, at least for the examination by the doctor and the nurse who was performed one by one behind a screen and not in a military manner like for the boys.

were you surprised by this difference ? or did you think at that time that it was normal because girls needed more privacy ?

did you asked to the male staff or the doctor why the examination was performed like that with the boys lining up naled for their turn to be examined in plain view and not like it was for girls what would have been simple to do?

what did they answered ?

do you think that this complete lack of respect for the modesty of boys was considered as a way to dicipline them more faster and was in purpose to humiliate them, and not only for more efficiency in the inspection in purpose to loose not any time.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 17:56:07 11/06/09 Fri

Responding to jean the frenchie ,yes I would agree that boys of more ordinary upbringing were more used to roughing it a bit more than boys who came from more refind families .
Thinking about it ,those boys who were more well spoken and of generally smarter apperance and no doubt spoiled , probably found it more of an indignity to be told by two working class male staff members in waistcoats with their sleeves rolled up to " strip naked and no nonsence " .Then to have to place their smart clothing in a paper bag and stand in the nude among other boys who may not have looked or smelt as clean as themselves .
I remember one rather posh boy in glasses ,neat hair style and well spoken crying as he was told three times to strip .
His underpants were taken down and off for him as he felt this too much of an indignity in front of others .
He still had to stand nude with his hands behind his head and feet apart as the doctor told him that all new boys were treated the same .
I was not surprised that girls who`s ages ranged between about eleven to fifteen were given more privacy . It just seemed more appropriate . Yes it would have been a simpler process to just bring them into one brightly lit room ,order them to strip and line up for a full medical inspection in front of each other .
But they were examined behind a screen with only the doctor his nurse and sometimes a female staff member present .
The girls also had to lie on an examination table during part of the inspection process .
I don`t think that deliberate humiliation ,for the sake of humiliation was intended .

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 01:49:16 11/07/09 Sat

Majorie, you have been quite full of information about your experiences and what happened to the boys, and who did what. But when I asked you how you felt about it, all you said was "Seeing naked boys was not the unpleasant part of the job."

That is a pretty thin statement I think. I mean you were a young woman and some of these boys were as old as 16 or 17. Such boys would typically be fully developed as men, at least as far as their genitals were concerned, or close to it. I am pretty sure seeing such boys naked would have a distinct effect on any woman, even one whose preference was not for men, but certainly on any girl whose sexual experience was limited. I know it would be for me. So, please be more revealing about how you felt about seeing these young men naked (and in some cases I would expect somewhat embarrassed or even humiliated). Did you find their bodies interesting or enticing? Did you find yourself looking at their genitals and comparing one boy's to another's? How did it effect you when you noticed the differences between circumcised and uncircumcised boys, boys with long or short penises, boys with large full testicles or with small ones? Did you think about their naked bodies afterwards? I know I would have when I was a young woman, and the thinking would provide me both curiosity and some excitement. Did you ever pleasure yourself thinking about them? It would be difficult if not impossible for me to believe all of this would not affect your emotions, including your sexual feelings. You recall the details so well! So please be candid about how all this affected you. Thank you.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 03:55:48 11/07/09 Sat

I also asked her two simple questions which she never answered, unless I missed them. What age she was and what were her duties as a matron's assistant at the boys boarding school at which she worked.
I understand that she may not want to answer intimate questions about her felings, most women are secretive about these feelings, though most posters on this forum seem to be open about them, and anyone can speak freely since it is under anonimity.
Vera, you seem to be more open and honest about it and straight to the point, without hiding your feelings about what you rection would be if you were in the same situation with all those nude teen boys in front of you.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 14:12:39 11/07/09 Sat

Thanks, Larry.

I just want to see how honest "Majorie Saunders" really is. She is very detailed about what she says happened. But no woman could remember that much without remember exactly how she felt about it.

We'll see.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 18:46:40 11/07/09 Sat

Vera ,and also for Larry . I appologise if I have not detailed those aspects of my duties, personal observations and private thoughts during my time working with the medical services for a local authority .
I was in my late twenties when I took up this post in a remand home for boys .
Before that I had worked assisting the matron at a small private school for boys aged eleven to fifteen .
Here I was able to offer care regarding sports injuries etc. Also administering medication for short term ailments and also for one or two boys on regular medication .
Boys were checked at random after their evening bath before bed . Just three or four perhaps into matron`s room by the main bathroom in just vest and underpants to check for being clean behind the ears ,hands ,fingernails, feet and toes .Also if they had brushed their teeth .
I would take this duty when required to .
From time to time scalp hygeine was kept an eye on .
Most important was the yearly full medical examination every boy had to attend . Parents could attend also .
So there were several areas of duty for me ,even assisting with laundry needs .
During my time there of course I would have seen boys in various stages of undress .
At the remand home my duties required me to be present in an enclosed area where boys would have to remove all their clothing also in front of two male staff members , and of course the doctor .
When I was nine years old my mother re married and I found myself having a step father who believed in corporal punishment for his own two sons aged twelve and fourteen .
My step father required this to be carried out with the boys stripped naked . My Mother and myself had to be present in the living room to add to the seriousness of the occasion .
An elderly, Aunt living there was also able to see the boys receiving their discipline .
The first time I entered the living room knowing I was going to see for the first time boys without any clothes on filled me with more than just curiosity .
To be honest I could`nt wait .
It was no hardship having to sit in on those disciplinary occasions . Until that is ,when it was decided that I too would be similarly dealt with .
Yes boys always looked good to me ,but male doctors examining girls have to remain proffesional and so too did this young nurse .

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 02:19:23 11/08/09 Sun

Thank you for that , Marjorie. You wrote:"Boys were checked at random after their evening bath before bed . Just three or four perhaps into matron`s room by the main bathroom in just vest and underpants to check for being clean behind the ears ,hands ,fingernails, feet and toes .Also if they had brushed their teeth .
I would take this duty when required to .
From time to time scalp hygeine was kept an eye on ." What about keeping the glans penis clean? Did you check under their foreskins? Boys of 11 to 15 are notoriously lax about intimate hygiene.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Please answer my questions!

Vera, to Marjorie
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Date Posted: 02:25:45 11/08/09 Sun

That was interesting Marjorie.

But to repeat my questions -- you were a young woman and some of these boys were as old as 16 or 17. Such boys would typically be almost fully developed as men, at least as far as their genitals were concerned, or close to it. I am pretty sure seeing such boys naked would have a distinct effect on any woman, even one whose preference was not for men, but certainly on any girl whose sexual experience was limited. I know it would be for me. So, please be more revealing about how you felt about seeing these young men naked (and in some cases I would expect somewhat embarrassed or even humiliated). To make this easier, let me enumerate my questions for you:

1) Did you find their bodies interesting or enticing? Did you find yourself looking at their genitals and comparing one boy's to another's?

2) How did it effect you when you noticed the differences between circumcised and uncircumcised boys, boys with long or short penises, boys with large full testicles or with small ones?

3) Did you think about their naked bodies afterwards? I know I would have when I was a young woman, and the thinking would provide me both curiosity and some excitement. Did you find some boys' bodies more exciting than others?

4) Did you ever pleasure yourself thinking about them? It would be difficult if not impossible for me to believe all of this would not affect your emotions, including your sexual feelings, somehow.

5) And a new question based on what you just reported. What kind of excitement did you feel when you saw your two step brothers stripped naked and disciplined by your step father? Was it a sexual feeling? Did you enjoy the actual spanking or just the nudity?

You recall the factual details so well of what you saw or did, but almost nothing about how this made you feel. As a woman, I find that very curious. So please be candid about how all this effected your emotions. Thank you.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Olga to Marjorie
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Date Posted: 02:54:24 11/09/09 Mon

Marjorie, how old were your step-brothers, when you last times saw their spanking? Perhaps, boys nudity in the remand home wasn't big deal for you, because in your childhood you saw step-brother naked in their teen-age. Really?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 23:16:25 11/08/09 Sun

Marjorie Saunders you said that the boys at the private school recieved yearly physical. How was the physical exams conducted? And did the moms attended the physicals or the dads? Also were the boys exposed to the other parents?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 15:31:13 08/09/11 Tue

growing up from 12-17 the peditrician i went to would always cunduct my physical exams with me completely nude for the whole exam,when he came in the exam room after asking some questions about health sports ect he would always instruct me to take evrything off including my underwear, leaving me naked from the beggining he then proceded to give me a very thourgh exam, i always found them to be extremely humilating

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[> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 02:12:05 11/08/09 Sun

Thank you, Marjorie for your frank sharing of your memories. You seem to be a caring person who performed these difficult duties with some compassion for the boys.

Please tell us more about the yearly full medical examination each boy had to attend.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 19:48:11 11/08/09 Sun

Thank you Tiny for your kind comment.
Well my employment at this small private school for boys did in some ways prepare me for my later post at the remand home .
I suppose it would be regarding the once a year mandatory
School Medical Examination that all the eleven to fifteen year old boys would have to attend .I would assist the visiting Doctor ,usually the same elderly but well built man from the main practice in the town .
Even for a fifteen year old he might have looked a bit intimidating ,but not really with his direct but mild manner .
Parents were aware of the school`s policy on the requirement for their boys to attend the school medical room for a yearly thorough examination.
Most parents would attend , often both father and even mother also ,no doubt to the dismay of their blushing eleven or fifteen year old son .
But this was the sixties and boys were expected to undress
if told to do so and never mind any shyness .
About a hundred and twenty boys attended the school.
So appointments and notifications to parents wishing to attend would be organised according to classroom .
Medical records would need to be put into similar order so that I would have them ready for the doctor as I showed each boy and his parent or parents into the medical room from the waiting area outside on the day and time of the appointment .
All would be seated while the doctor brought any concerns or observations the school might have noted to the parents attention .
Parents could comment as their son was now asked to undress down to his underpants and I would weigh and measure the boy .Then I would give the boy an eye test .
He would then stand by the doctor and allow him to examine him .
This would be head to toe , ears and mouth , and underarms , chest and back sounded , hands and feet checked . I would note any comments from the doctor .
Then underpants off for genital inspection and bending over for any spine disorders and a quick visual between his buttocks .Then up onto the examination table for checking mobility of limbs .
So ,in probably about ten minutes from entering to being allowed to get dressed again ,one young man hopefully marked as healthy and two proud parents knowing a little bit more about their son .

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 17:43:09 11/15/09 Sun

To Author regarding those able to observe a boy`s medical examination .
Each boy along with one or both parents would be called into the medical examination room and the door would be closed .
Myself and of course the doctor would be the only other persons in the room throughout the boys examination .
As with any medical inspection the most embarrassing part is when underware has to come down or off .
A refusal to co operate with the Doctor might mean a visit to the Headmaster`s office the next day when a boys bottom might require a different type of attention.
Also parents knowing the medical inspection procedures that would have been agreed to when they enrolled their sons would have expected their boys to be obedient to the School Doctor even if this required them to strip for him.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

to Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 01:10:34 11/09/09 Mon

Were boys during exam watched their own parents only or parents of other boys could see them too? How you think, which part of exam was more embarrassed for boys? Did boys, especially fifteen year old, sometimes refused take off underpants in front you and their parents?

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