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Subject: Re: It is pretty clear that Marjorie Saunders is probably a woman

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 19:16:56 11/09/09 Mon
In reply to: Vera 's message, "It is pretty clear that Marjorie Saunders is probably not a woman" on 05:09:19 11/09/09 Mon

Vera ,would you really have thought it appropriate for me , while in a position of trust to have taken off the emotional handbrake ,allowing arousal to colour the formal and difficult situation that these boys found themselves in . Away from home perhaps for the first time and not in any position to remove themselves from an enforced process that would end in naked inspection in front of others .
So out of respect for them ,deserved or otherwise ,I would not wish draw their experiences into the arena of sexual excitement .
But regarding my early experiences at home with my step father when I was nine years old I would feel easier about expressing my feelings when being allowed to see my two step brothers both three or four years older than I was , receiving corporal punishment . My mother went along with it to keep the piece . My step father was big and strong and expected quiet obedience .So his requirement was that all clothing was to come off.
If it was just one of the boys being disciplined or both of them , "get your clothes off "was the first instruction . It was a family thing and modesty was not included on these occasions .
This would be the same for me when he decided that I too should be included for corporal punishment when he thought I needed it .
But for a few months I thought I was immune from such and so just enjoyed seeing for real what myself and the other girls at my school could only talk about or draw or sometimes find in books .
Our giggling discussions often based on what I might have seen during the week was a source of entertainment and thrill for some time .

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: It is pretty clear that Marjorie Saunders is probably a woman

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Date Posted: 02:40:34 11/10/09 Tue

I am sorry, "Marjorie", but I'm afraid this post seals it. First off, women almost never have a need for an "emotional handbrake". We are comfortable with, enjoy and often revel in our feelings, and do so far more often than men do. We wouldn't dream of "braking" them - that is the type of thing that men do, and do all the time. And they are good at it, good at preventing themselves from even feeling emotions. Concealing them from others for us is only for when it serves our purposes, as at the moment or in the originating situation - not years after wards. If you were a woman, you would know that. And in the dramatic situations you describe in such detail, any woman would certainly have many emotional and psychological reactions she was fully aware of.

Even more telling is what you claim is your respect for your long-ago charges and duties. It is absurd on its face, and you have great gall to even suggest it. You are quite willing to describe what happened to THEM in full detail, but not at all willing to discuss your personal reactions to them -- what happened to YOU. That is "respect" for those boys? Please, what do you take me for?

And finally, your odd misspellings ("piece" instead of "peace") and frequent misplaced commas and spaces are precisely the types of things that some men do when they write. If you haven't noticed, women do tend to write better than men.

So, as I suspected, you are a fraud. Alas.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: It is pretty clear that Marjorie Saunders is probably a woman

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Date Posted: 20:32:57 10/05/12 Fri

Wow, I was looking up details of remand hostels and I found this shit.. What the fuck.. I agree with Vera about his/her misspellings that most likely indicate the OP is a fraud..


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[> [> [> Subject: Nurses and Boys Schools to M.Saunders

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Date Posted: 23:09:40 11/13/09 Fri

Marjorie, your experience with your stepbrothers who were already in teen age must have been awesome as a young girl of just 9. Were they spanked totally nude and how did he spank them? Were you aroused while watching them? I suppose your work as a young woman at a boys school as a matron's assistant was no coincidence, you must have seen a lot of boy nudity there. Were the boys at the school spanked too, which was normal at that time? Did you ever see them getting spanked?
There was another female poster some time ago on another Voyforum who said that her first job as a nurse in her early twenties was as a school nurse in a boys boarding school where she regularly watched boys being caned bare by female teachers in her office as the required witness. I think she was Australian.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nurses and Boys Schools to M.Saunders

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 18:54:14 11/15/09 Sun

Replying to Larry . Well at nine years old my situation was that my mother and I now lived in my new step father`s house along with his own two boys ,one nearly thirteen and the other almost fifteen .
My step father`s method of discipline was to apply a firm hand spanking on the boys bare bottoms .
Not only bare bottoms but he usually required the boys to take off all their clothes in front of him and anyone else who might be present then bend over and grip their ankles or go over his lap .
He required my mother ,their step mother ,to be present but he also rquired me to be present .
My mother always went along with him just to keep the peace. It would also remind me that disobedience would end in a penalty .
I was nearer ten when it was decided that I would be dealt with similarly .
Mother explained to me that this was their decision for me to have to be present to see the boys get a spanking if it was needed for them and that they would sometimes have to be in the nude .
I suppose I was meant to look shocked but I knew that this would be be my opportunity to see what made the bulge in a boys swimming trunks .
Mother explained a bit about what boys had and I`m sure I would have tried to look disinterested .
But secretly I was really excited and hoped that soon they would do something naughty .
They both wore glasses but they were quite nice looking so I would try to imagine what their willies and balls might look like and their bums .
Great things to discuss with the girls at my school . Willies going hard was one subject and where and how they would enter was another point of interest .
I can remember the first occasion when the boys had to be disciplined . I tried to hide my excitement as the boys were lead into the lounge by their father .Mother and I followed .
Some crying and protests followed but two naked boys were soon standing facing their father waiting to be told to bend over ,revealing to all more of what I had seen in front .
The job at the school just came along . Any corporal punishment administered to boys would have been with Matron present . I did`nt see it being administered myself .

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nurses and Boys Schools to M.Saunders

to M.Saunders
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Date Posted: 02:09:58 11/16/09 Mon

of course, after your step-father's disciplinary methods, you never were shocked view of naked boys.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nurses and Boys Schools to M.Saunders

to M. Saunder's observer...
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Date Posted: 11:28:54 11/17/09 Tue

...hell, all she had to do to see a naked boy when she was young was to take off her clothes and look in a mirror...

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