Subject: Re: It is pretty clear that Marjorie Saunders is probably a woman |
Author: Vera
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Date Posted: 02:40:34 11/10/09 Tue
In reply to:
Marjorie Saunders
's message, "Re: It is pretty clear that Marjorie Saunders is probably a woman" on 19:16:56 11/09/09 Mon
I am sorry, "Marjorie", but I'm afraid this post seals it. First off, women almost never have a need for an "emotional handbrake". We are comfortable with, enjoy and often revel in our feelings, and do so far more often than men do. We wouldn't dream of "braking" them - that is the type of thing that men do, and do all the time. And they are good at it, good at preventing themselves from even feeling emotions. Concealing them from others for us is only for when it serves our purposes, as at the moment or in the originating situation - not years after wards. If you were a woman, you would know that. And in the dramatic situations you describe in such detail, any woman would certainly have many emotional and psychological reactions she was fully aware of.
Even more telling is what you claim is your respect for your long-ago charges and duties. It is absurd on its face, and you have great gall to even suggest it. You are quite willing to describe what happened to THEM in full detail, but not at all willing to discuss your personal reactions to them -- what happened to YOU. That is "respect" for those boys? Please, what do you take me for?
And finally, your odd misspellings ("piece" instead of "peace") and frequent misplaced commas and spaces are precisely the types of things that some men do when they write. If you haven't noticed, women do tend to write better than men.
So, as I suspected, you are a fraud. Alas.
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