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Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 18:51:58 11/17/09 Tue
In reply to: Mike 's message, "Re: Nude during physical exam" on 13:25:48 07/13/09 Mon

Annual physical is scheduled for 12/4/2009. Time to get nude again for a complete checkup.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 20:39:37 11/17/09 Tue

"Annual physical is scheduled for 12/4/2009. Time to get nude again for a complete checkup."

Just hope there won't be any female teachers or secretaries besides the nurse and doctor to watch.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

jean the frenchie
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Date Posted: 05:04:15 11/18/09 Wed

On the opposite of other posters, I believe to the relation of "marjorie", I understand that she tries to stay very professional and not to express a feeling during the boy's physicals in the remand house or the boarding school;

Many details seems true but of course we can always doubt of a story in a discussion

I notice that she tries to avoid any situations too much incredible, for example when she was asked if other parents who were present for the examination of their son could also see an other boy examined naked for his yearly physicals in the boarding school, she answered no never, it was only the boy in front of the doctor and the nurse and his parents, which was enough awkward and is more credible.

I think to the boys who were aged over 14 until 15 or 16 and I must recognize that it was certainly very embarrassing for the most modest to be examined naked not only in front of medical persons but also of their parents, it was worse at that age to be nude in front of the mother and the father if both were there present for the examination than to be seen by a young nurse, at least it is my opinion but I am surprised that this rule of the presence of the parents was applied, it was certainly because it was a boarding school because it was (and it is still now) not frequent that the parents were invited by the schools authorities to attend to the examination of boys or girls, particularly the two parents, because one of them would have been good enough and I am still more surprised that they found the time to come to the schools?

I presume that the most frequent situation was nevertheless that only the mother was present even if the two parents were invited!

As regards the physicals during the process of induction of boys in the remand home, I am satisfied of the answers of "Marjorie" , I think that it was not fair to treat differently boys and girls because girls had an embarrasing examination too but nevertheless with a little more privacy, so it was a double standard, for boys an exam in group naked in plain view of each other was certainly considered as quite normal and was inspired by military manners while girls could not be treated like that, even if bad treated also.

I have read in books that it was also like that for boys in France in a recent past. The nudity was a part of the induction process and may be of the punishment.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

jean the frenchie
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Date Posted: 05:36:33 11/18/09 Wed

I would tell also to some posters who seem to think that when women or young girls could assist a doctor for a physical examination of boys, it is a great pleasure for them who can enjoy at the view of a lot of naked boys that I am not convinced about that!

why?, because most of the boys who were examined were still very young, I don't believe that it is really exciting from a sexual point of view to see naked boys under than 16 age even if the older ones had obviously already their genitals developped during puberty, they are too young; and also because all boys are not good looking, all teenagers are not well developped as "Apollon", some are too fat, some are too thin, some have other imperfections, some have a lot of rashes, some have spots caused by acne, a group of boys is not an adult football team!

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 07:47:01 11/18/09 Wed

I think the girls and women present during these boys physicals would mostly be interested in their genitals and buttocks rather than the other physical characeristics you mntion. And this contradicts your previous post where you say that boys in their mid teens would be embarrassed in front of females during the nude exam. And I think many, if not most, girls and women find boys nude at that age more attractive than grown up males. One reason is that girls and women would be more embarrassed themselves in the presence of nude adult males. Another reason is that the female dominance factor would be out of place with an adult male who can complain or see through the female's intentions, which is not the case with boys during or below teen age. This situation could only be different when the adult male is forced to strip in front of females, as in prisons etc. where the men have no choice.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 20:56:28 11/22/09 Sun

"I think the girls and women present during these boys physicals would mostly be interested in their genitals and buttocks rather than the other physical characeristics you mntion. And this contradicts your previous post where you say that boys in their mid teens would be embarrassed in front of females during the nude exam. And I think many, if not most, girls and women find boys nude at that age more attractive than grown up males. One reason is that girls and women would be more embarrassed themselves in the presence of nude adult males. Another reason is that the female dominance factor would be out of place with an adult male who can complain or see through the female's intentions, which is not the case with boys during or below teen age. This situation could only be different when the adult male is forced to strip in front of females, as in prisons etc. where the men have no choice". Larry you're right on the money with your post. I think thats why alot of female medical staff take advantage pediactric male patients.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 15:50:28 11/23/09 Mon

This is confirmed by many women who worked as nurses, both on this site and others, the latest one being Marjorie Saunders, who said their most enjoyable moments was when they made checkups, or were present, during checkups of teen boys in schools or special homes for boys.
In fact many of these nurses, including Saunders and several others, applied specifically to work in these boys schools or homes, undoubtedly because they found it erotic, the teen male physique is more appealing to them than adult males besides the dominance they have in these situations without feeling embarrassed.
So the above adult or middle age guys who think that nurses are turned on or impressed with your erections or shrinkages need to think it over. I know of very few nurses or female doctors who enjoy examining or 'handling' adult males as opposed to teenage ones.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 23:13:50 11/23/09 Mon

Don't agree, Larry. It depends entirely on the woman.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Dr feelwonder
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Date Posted: 18:36:52 07/27/12 Fri

I'm 12 and still hairless below when my mother's new female teaching clinic doc, maybe 35, comes on board. She gives my package a check each year, she has me flat on the table, stripped to my sox, and checks rotating each ball and lifting my c ck, then lifting by c ck AND globes, coming close to me that way-- About 1 foot away. Then she has has me stand and does the same thing,. She has my mother sitting there with a full view of my dong and ass as the doc puts on a glove and runs her finger up my hole, rotating a lot. I get a a big wood and then she has me stand facing my mother, who is looking right at my manhood. Well, I was still getting enemas from my mother at home, so its not entirely new. But having the doc standing there watching us both is a double kick while she checks my back, back of my thighs (insides, too) and each calf. God, I love it. If she wants to , touch me, feel me, and know my mother is watching, and they cause me to erect-- me then fine with me. What a turn on! I go home and dream about it for weeks!
One year my mother was in the hospital and could not come. So the doc has the nurse put me in a larger room and the nurse tells me to strip fully (no sox) and put on a gown (groan), but leave it untied.

I like being naked under a gown, but I'm sad the usual will not happen. Then the doc brings in seven student nurses and starts me flat on my stomach on the exam table. She flips open the gown, checks my back and feet, then has me get on my knees, with my head on the table. Ass in the air, and gown flopping from my arms on the table, she has all seven repeat her finger in the ass exam. Of course my package is hanging down right in front of these seven young newbie nurses, and I hear muffled giggles when the doc first tells them to put on gloves and examine my hole. She does not have to mention my c ck and globes hanging there, because I am pointed quite visible where they can see at my side and rear. But my c ck changes angles fast-- holds fast, stiff as when my mother and the doc were looking. So when the doc has me stand up, tells me to put the gown on the table--so she can put a stethiscope on my chest and back, --I am still pointing my thing and the wannabe nurses can see it all clearly. I know the doc is aware my thing is wooden, so she knows what these college age nursing students are gonna see--and by now she knows how they are going to react.
Stand up, giggles, One nursee doubles half way over at the sight of my stiff manhood pointing in her direction. Only thing better would be if they had to be examined by me.
Oh, well, I can't wait until I get into medical school. Meantime, next year, I'LL BE BACK with this doc for another nude physical. I hope there will be more nursing students, because they are even more interested than my mother, and I'm getting too old for her to be there, anyway ...........................

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 16:42:47 01/05/19 Sat

This happened to me several times as a teen with one particular doctor. He was an internal medicine MD who was my mother's favorite doctor. He was very old fashioned and spoke English with a little bit of an accent that suggested he may have originally been from central or Eastern Europe.

I was in high school and was home sick. My mother took me to this doctor and he had her come back into the exam room with me. During the examination he had me lay back on the table and was poking my abdomen.
Then he motioned for my to pull my pants and underwear down. I'm sure a shocked look came over my face as I pointed to my mother and mumbled something like "but she's in here". He looked at me as if I were being ridiculous (which looking back I was), made kind of a "tsk, tsk" sound and pulled my pants and underwear down. All the while more or less telling me that's your mother, you should never be embarrassed for her to see you.

My mother had not seen me naked since I had gone through puberty and no other doctor had ever done that since puberty with her in the exam room.

In subsequent visits to this doctor, the same thing would happen every time. I became used to the drill and would pull my pants down when asked whether my mother was in the room or not. I realized I didn't really mind, I had just gotten into my young head that I should be embarrassed for my mother to see my naked. The doctor dispelled that notion completely, at least in the context of a medical exam. However, its not like I started running around naked in front of my mother after that. I don't remember her seeing me naked any other time except for maybe when I spent a week in the hospital post-surgery in my early 20s.

On a side note, the same doctor did the same thing with my brother. It became something of a joke between us. Our mother I think was a little embarrassed like us at first, but like the doctor thought boys being excessively modest around their mothers was ridiculous.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

a mother
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Date Posted: 04:47:41 02/27/19 Wed

"This happened to me several times as a teen with one particular doctor. He was an internal medicine MD who was my mother's favorite doctor. He was very old fashioned and spoke English with a little bit of an accent that suggested he may have originally been from central or Eastern Europe.

I was in high school and was home sick. My mother took me to this doctor and he had her come back into the exam room with me. During the examination he had me lay back on the table and was poking my abdomen.
Then he motioned for my to pull my pants and underwear down. I'm sure a shocked look came over my face as I pointed to my mother and mumbled something like "but she's in here". He looked at me as if I were being ridiculous (which looking back I was), made kind of a "tsk, tsk" sound and pulled my pants and underwear down. All the while more or less telling me that's your mother, you should never be embarrassed for her to see you.

My mother had not seen me naked since I had gone through puberty and no other doctor had ever done that since puberty with her in the exam room.

In subsequent visits to this doctor, the same thing would happen every time. I became used to the drill and would pull my pants down when asked whether my mother was in the room or not. I realized I didn't really mind, I had just gotten into my young head that I should be embarrassed for my mother to see my naked. The doctor dispelled that notion completely, at least in the context of a medical exam. However, its not like I started running around naked in front of my mother after that. I don't remember her seeing me naked any other time except for maybe when I spent a week in the hospital post-surgery in my early 20s.

On a side note, the same doctor did the same thing with my brother. It became something of a joke between us. Our mother I think was a little embarrassed like us at first, but like the doctor thought boys being excessively modest around their mothers was ridiculous."

Usually, female pediatricians are more likely to share details of the boy's intimate medical check-up with his mother than the male pediatrician. Probably this is the reason most mothers prefer female pediatricians to their sons.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 08:09:55 11/18/09 Wed

Frenchie said
"I have read in books that it was also like that for boys in France in a recent past. The nudity was a part of the induction process and may be of the punishment."

I think it was the same or worse in America in these remand homes, where they are called juvenile detention centres or bootcamps. I have read that when the boys were taken in the induction room as they first enter the home or camp they are forced to strip nude for inspection in the presence of several females including secretaries and other office staff and maybe female guards and female administrators of the home. Most of these boys were teens and inducted and checked in groups. In one case I read they even invited college girls who were studying law and journalism at school two at a time to watch these inductions and other situations to see what went on in these institutions and how they were run. As you say humiliation is probably part of the punishment for these boys. And of course a treat for the girls.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 22:45:55 05/15/12 Tue

When in doctors office or hospital---I just let them do what they need to do---male or female docs or nurses---I have never really suffered embarrassed-----Its their turf and so i just do what i am told and it goes fine----There a million guys that look like me---so no one would notice me for better or worse

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 19:28:43 11/18/09 Wed

Never any female present, not even a nurse. Just my male doctor and me.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 12:40:51 11/25/10 Thu

When my son was growing up i was in the room during his doctor appointments and physicals. His pediatrician was male, but did have a female nurse help.

It never occured to me to not be in there as i did it all of his life, and he never said anythiing to me.

He would keep his underware on during the entire physical. the second last thing was that he would get on the table and lay down for the doctor to check his abdomin and the nurse would remove his underware then.

After that he would get down off the table and the Dr. would check his privates. it didnt seem to be an issue...

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 16:29:27 11/25/10 Thu

Paula, up to what age were you present at his exams?
But one must not take this negatively, as most posters seem to do. Many boys prefer to have their mother or someone adukt close to them when having a medical exam because it makes them feel more secure, even at a teen age.
Also many doctors today require underage kids to be accampanied by an adult for legal reasons.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 16:25:26 09/20/11 Tue

Until I was out of high school, my mother seemed to always have been present along with my sister and brother and somtimes my cousins and their mom.
My mother didn't seem to be paying much attention to my genitals as I recall, but my aunt did pay attention to both the boys as well as the girls.
She always seemed to have questions or comment about what the dr was doing as he felt here or there, poking or pressing a we lay on our backs. I remember her bringing attention to the ridge where the circumcision scar is several times, both mine as well as my cousin's which made whoever was exposed the center of attention.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 00:35:27 11/19/16 Sat

" ... attend all medical appointments until the son is no longer covered by her insurance. ..."

Well that is twenty-six now, and I bet if she had lived that long, my mom would have done that. As it was, my cousin Renee who is about five years older and had a drivers license and access to ne of her dad's cars so she frequently took us to things like doctor's appointments. And I am pretty sure she stayed in the exam room until I was about 18 or 19 and went off to college.
I remember that she drove me to the doctors when I slipped off the steps and both hurt my back and scraped the skin from mid-heiney to mid shoulder.
She not only watched and asked questions she helped me pull my drawers off and re-dress, both at the office and at my bedroom.
But I didn't really mind because she had been our babysitter for as long as I can remember, bathing us and spanking me when ever it seemed appropriate, to her or mom. so seeing my peepee and balls in the doctor's office, or my heiney spread open for he prostate check wasn't that unusual. Since that was a long hot summer and our house had no A/C I'd get sticky just lying there so she gave me sponge baths when I was bedridden, even bringing one of her girlfriends along to show off her nursing skills.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 18:36:29 12/04/16 Sun

"... she stayed in the exam room until I was about 18 or 19."

18 - 19 yo is too old for Paediatrics. At that age is normal a bpy to see adult doctor alone.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 09:00:29 11/01/16 Tue

The purpose of having the boy's mother in the room is primarily to ensure that the medical treatment is provided properly and the health concerns are addressed. A young child, male or female, cannot express symptoms of illness or properly communicate with the medical provider.

Also there is no legitimate reason for the mother to leave the room. Obviously the mother took her son to the medical appointment. Eventually she will need to speak with the medical provider regarding the exam, so why should she wait talk to the provider at the end. The only logical place for the mother to be is in the exam room watching the exam, ensuring cooperation with the exam by her son, ensuring the examination is done properly, and is available for discussion and can question the medical provider. In any event, no medical provider will even question the mother's decision to witness the exam.

The only one who might object to the mother's presence is the son. It is not his decision to object. He is under the full care and control of his parents. They make the decision regarding, well... everything. When he is under the age of twelve (12), there will likely be no discussion and for the most part the child will want his mother present just for his own comfort. At age thirteen (13) the boy will be starting puberty and may object to his mother being present for the exam. His objections are not acceptable. For all the reasons stated above, the mother must remain present and observe the exam. The mother should also always demand a full nude exam, to check all skin area for any issue (skin cancer is really on the rise) and his genitals should be examined as well. If the son raises an objection, than that should be dealt with harshly, but the issue should be resolved prior to the day of the medical appointment. The mother should continue to attend all medical appointments until the son is no longer covered by her insurance.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 19:48:40 11/08/16 Tue

Sarah, your arguments in backing of the presence of mother during the medical examination of her son are quite sensible and logical. Moreover that the medical office policy require the presence of a parent or guardian on the examination of underage patients. I also agree that the mother has full authority to take decisions on everything which is related to the growing, bring up and health of her son and she is not obliged to comply with his wishes and caprices. Is it right, however, she to monitor the entire examination even in its most intimate part as a check for hernias, pulling the foreskin and uncovering the glans and the testicle exam if the boy has entered puberty and seek more privacy? At this age he would not want her to see his grown penis and pubic hairs.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 16:35:40 11/26/16 Sat

My mother took me to the doctor at the age of 12 to be evaluated for a circumcision. My mother watched as the doctor pulled back my foreskin exposing my entire glans bare.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 15:18:32 12/28/16 Wed

At 12 years, some mothers still take care of the hygiene of their sons and control or help in their bathing. Have your mother seen in another way your penis unless at your physical exams? How developed were you at this age?

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 12:46:17 04/08/17 Sat

I absolutely agree with you, Sarah. The presence of a mother during the examination is in the best interest of her son. Medical staff will often not only accept, but welcome the decision of the mother to observe the exam as her presence often ensures a higher degree of cooperation. Also it enables a mother to keep fully informed about her childs development and address health issues immediately, as well as to make sure that the exam is carried out appropriately.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 16:37:58 06/06/17 Tue

To Sandra: "I absolutely agree with you, Sarah. The presence of a mother during the examination is in the best interest of her son. Medical staff will often not only accept, but welcome the decision of the mother to observe the exam as her presence often ensures a higher degree of cooperation. Also it enables a mother to keep fully informed about her childs development and address health issues immediately, as well as to make sure that the exam is carried out appropriately".

You are right, Sandra. However, to achieve comfort in the relationship between mother and her son need a full understanding and cooperation of the young man who sometimes is difficult condition to meet. With the first appearance of pubic hair and visible enlargement of the penis in the onset of puberty usually begins stage of sexual awareness and a strong desire for privacy. On the other hand in terms of rapid physical growth and sexual development when the risk of abnormalities and diseases is significantly increased, the privacy of the young boy can not be too sacrosanct. Monitoring this dynamic process is essential for the timely detection and treatment of abnormalities and diseases such as phimosis, undescended testicle, hernia and others diseases which, due to embarrassment and shame is likely to be overlooked or even concealed by the shy young boy who does not realize their importance. Usually the person who is entrusted with the care of health and hygiene of the boy, monitor his physical development and escorted him during his medical examination is his mother or other relative - usually female. This puts boys in a rather awkward position because such care often require partial or full nudity and sometimes manipulation and treatment in the genitals. However this is a little price for a boy to pay for a smooth and seamless entry into maturity.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 11:55:43 07/05/17 Wed

I fully agree with you, yoanna. As you rightly state, the boy's shame is a little price to pay for a smooth and seamless entry into maturity!

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 04:25:31 11/09/17 Thu

Sarah is right, there can be no legitimate reason for a mother to leave the room during the examination of her son!

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 21:03:15 08/08/17 Tue


Would you have been willing to allow your father to remain in the exam room during the intimate parts of your teenage physicals?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 06:31:22 03/18/13 Mon

When I was younger,I had a nude medical,but the worst bit was, I knew the nurse, we were at school together, she was very professional, but I had a massive boner, and was as red as a beetroot, standing infront of her naked, I've never been so embaressed in my entire life...

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 02:57:14 08/14/17 Mon


When I was a senior in high school, a female medical student, at the college I was going to attend, witnessed my exam at the pediatrician. I thought that the doctor might go easy on me since my exam was being observed by a female who was only a few years older than me. This was not the case. I received a full examination I clear view of the female medical student.

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