Subject: 31 Medical Programs & Video - SET 2 |
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Date Posted: 05:32:55 03/27/09 Fri
Campbell Biology 6th Edition
Since it first published in 1954, Campbell's Urology has established a universal reputation as the «bible of urology». For the first time, this essential reference is available on CD-ROM. It contains massive added value, all of the text and illustrations from the book, selected images from Pollack et al. Clinical Urography, 2nd Edition, selected full-colour photographs
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Campbell's urology 8th Edition-CD-ROM
ISO | 592.7 MB | 5% recovery
Since it first published in 1954, Campbell's Urology has established a universal reputation as the «bible of urology». For the first time, this essential reference is available on CD-ROM. It contains massive added value, all of the text and illustrations from the book, selected images from Pollack et al. Clinical Urography, 2nd Edition, selected full-colour photographs from The Johns Hopkins Atlas of Surgical Pathology, narrated video segments that illustrate important operations, complete text of the study guide to accompany Campbell's urology and links to MEDLINE.
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Adult Clinical Cardiology Self-Assessment Program
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Drs Crawford, DiMarco and Paulus"ichael H. Crawford, "Cardiology"
MOSBY | ISBN: 9780323024051 | Edition-2004 | HTML & PDF | 1728 pages | 454.3 mb
Having access to up-to-date and authoritative information is essential for any cardiologist. The new second edition of Cardiology, edited by Drs Crawford, DiMarco and Paulus, is your complete cardiology resource, with a practical and user-friendly format that reflects the way you make decisions in practice – enabling you to find and apply definitive guidance quickly.
A team of 250 international experts brings you this thoroughly revised and updated New Edition. Its clinically-oriented coverage integrates basic science, diagnostic investigations, and therapeutic management into a practical, user-friendly reference on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine. A consistent format throughout parallels the clinical decision-making process to make definitive guidance easy to locate and apply. Over 2,360 illustrations, including more than 1,940 full-colour photographs, tables, and diagnostic images make techniques and concepts easy to grasp. Plus, a bound-in CD-ROM features all of the book's illustrations for use in PowerPoint presentations.
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