Subject: 31 Medical Programs & Video - SET 3 |
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Date Posted: 05:34:06 03/27/09 Fri
ACR-Pediatric American College of Radiology
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Cardiologie Encyclopedie.VOL 1-5 - LANGUAGE FRENCH
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Cardiologie Encyclopedie vol2 Echographie du coeur ischemique
Cardiologie Encyclopedie vol3 - Echographie des artres carotides
Cardiologie Encyclopedie Vol4 - Echographie Des Artres Des Membre
Cardiologie Encyclopedie vol5 - ECG
Clinical Endocrinology
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It contains the full text and images from over 675 chapters and 10,000 pages including over 9,500 high resolution clinical images, many in colour, each capable of being zoomed to inspect clinical details. It is based on the 2005 edition.
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24 single ECG tracings six pairs of serial tracings seven computer overreads 21 ECG clinical correlations five cases on stress testingup to 12 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 credit topics covered include—
Bradyarrhythmia and Conduction Myocardial Injury and Infarction STT Changes and Other Conditions Ventricular and Supraventricular Arrhythmias Chamber Hypertrophy and Enlargement
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Basic Clinical Science Course 2003-2004
The CD-ROM contains all 13 Sections of the 2003–2004 edition of the Basic and Clinical Science Course (BCSC) plus the Master Index. It encompasses almost 5000 pages and more than 3000 images.
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Essentialy Of Radiology
The "Essentials of Radiology" is designed to teach the basics of current radiology practice to the non-radiologist. It is useful for medical students (starting at any level), residents of all specialties, clinical colleagues, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, technologists, hospital administrators, managed care administrators, lawyers, and lay support groups. This program is the result of my more than 20 years of teaching radiology to medical students, colleagues, residents, technologists, and others. This CD-ROM contains over 330 INTERACTIVE cases using the well-established teaching methods of Dr. Lucy Squire. In every case, you are presented with a patient history and images and asked a series of multiple choice questions.
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MiPACS Dental Enterprise Solution v3.1
The MiPACS Dental Enterprise Solution is the only imaging application that a dental enterprise needs to acquire, view, and store digital dental images.
Built in accordance with the DICOM 3.0 standard, MiPACS offers a scalable, device independent and affordable solution that was once out of reach for the dental industry. It is the only software application needed to implement a digital imaging solution consisting of one or multiple imaging devices.
The MiPACS Dental Enterprise Viewer and MiPACS Storage Server can also be purchased as separate components.
Key Features and Benefits:
Supports the DICOM 3.0 standard
Enterprise solution provides a viewing workstation, acquisition workstation and a storage system all in one
Meets HIPAA security regulations
Supports over 16 digital imaging systems
Integration to clinic applications
Standard film mounts and the ability to customize
Support for intra-oral sensors, intra-oral cameras, phosphor plates, surgical and histological microscopy, digital cameras
Stores MRI and CT
Numerous image enhancement tools
Freedom to choose multiple hardware vendors
Ease of use
Training time greatly reduced
All Images are stored in a central location and available in one click
Interfaces with clinical/patient management software
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Osborn – Pediatrics
Extensively illustrated and uncommonly user-friendly, this brand-new text provides a logical, "hands on" approach to the care of the pediatric patient. Written by an international team of subspecialists and edited by an outstanding team of pediatric generalists, it offers expert coverage that can be applied in everyday practice—in a highly templated format that makes finding information a snap. Readers will find comprehensive coverage of basic science, health promotion and disease prevention, general and chronic medical care, newborn and adolescent care, mental health care, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, and more. And, a bonus CD-ROM offers additional images, video clips, and other supplemental materials
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Step By Step Guide To Reflexology Western Massage [DVDRip]
A rival and feet through the point region to exert pressure and use of limbs and body coordination, to promote self-treatment system in the human body massage methods.
?Reflexology is a broad concept, but its main branch, foot reflexology is, on both feet for the application of parts of reflection.
?As biped in the human body is in a special position, so that foot reflexology a reflection of the important components of a reflection of the practice of induction courses and reflexology division of basic skills.
?It is the most basic understanding of the full reflection "medical treatment" therapy.
?Foot Reflexology effect.
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<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> [DVDRip]
Massage parlours, massage, acupuncture, Chinese people are spread for thousands of ancient secrets.
?In recent years, have been gradually accepted by Western medicine as a receiver, a unique treatment Pianfang.
?"Means the pressure - the art of self-therapy" to teach your own using a simple acupressure to relieve your pain.
?When you stomach pain, can not help but be hand-to Anrou stomach when you toothache time, will be on hand to cheek.
?You can not belittle these inadvertently moves inside it contains a university asked its efficacy has been the world recognized the medical profession of massage is from here develop.
?If we hold to the deep, and massage there for more complex and more complicated, and for ordinary people, so long as to prevent and cure
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Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons - The Five Dragons Acupuncture College
This is Version 2.0 of The Five Dragons Acupuncture College,
"Acupuncture Correspondence Course in 31 Lessons"
This Correspondence Course was originally published into the Public Domain by the Occidental Institute of Chinese Studies in 1978. Most of the writing seems to have been done by Charles H. McWilliams under the tutelage of internationally esteemed Dr. Nguyen Van Nghi.Additional editing was accomplished by Dale E. Brown and Gregory Delaney. All notes in these Adobe Acrobat files are the editing contribution of Dr. Wu Tao-Wei.
An acupuncture dummy would make learning much easier and these can be purchased along with books and videos on Qi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan
and Yin-Yang Diet from Wayfarer Publications ---> <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a>
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Neurology Needle Electromyography - Exam Test
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Table of Contents
To interpret radiological images accurately, it is essential to have a thorough knowledge of how disease processes cause abnormal radiological appearances. An understanding of relevant anatomy, lung functions, and alterations produced by physiological and pathological processes is also necessary. This book provides an extensive reference text and accompanying database of images on CD-ROM. It includes an introduction to reading chest radiographs, basic anatomy, and physiology. The book reviews the various disease processes affecting the chest plus related abnormalities. It also includes a discussion of imaging techniques, biopsy, and bronchography, as well as tips on interpreting radiological images.
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Oral Pathology - Clinical Pathologic Correlations — Regezi
Full color for the first time! Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect new advances in knowledge, this popular resource presents a practical approach to over 350 diseases of the oral mucosa, and jaws. It offers detailed guidance on etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, histopathology, differential diagnosis, and treatment, as well as discussions of molecular disease mechanisms, the etiology of oral cancer, and common skin diseases. A clinical overview outlines the clinical aspects of each disease discussed in the main body of the text, including its features, cause, significance, location, patient age, and radiographic appearance - making this book ideal as a quick chairside reference. Important pathologic concepts are illustrated with more than 920 high-quality clinical images, photomicrographs, and diagrams.
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Clinical Endocrinology
Comprehensive Clinical Endocrinology including CD-Rom
* Much more text than the current edition - a Comprehensive format rather than the 2/e Atlas style
* Greatly increased clinical detail and less basic science than the current edition
* Now covers all endocrine disorders, including diabetes
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Managment of Prostate Cancer - Past, Precent, Future [DVD]
by Mario Eisenberger, MD, Daniel Petrylak MD, Ronald deWill, MD
A full dvd, covering all aspects of prostate cancer, epidemiology, pathology, staging, treatment guidelines, surgery, radiotherapy, hormonal managment, etc.
(many futures and interactive contents.)
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