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Subject: 11 Medical programs

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Date Posted: 05:36:01 03/27/09 Fri

11 Medical programs

Diagnostic Ultrasound of Fetal Anomalies: Principles and Techniques 2 CD
NRG | 649MB/514.9MB | 5% recovery

This comes on two CDs and installs quickly and easily. The only gripe with installation is that it is not customisable ie. it automatically installs on the c drive to the default directory. It contains 120 ultrasound videos and 600 images. All are of the highest quality and the videos run smoothly, even on an old P120 with 16MB RAM. The first CD contains the systems tutorials. Finding specific topics is simple, either by starting with the relevant chapter or by using the comprehensive search facility. It gives an excellent overview of the incidence of major abnormalities and the incidence of their detection. Equally as important, it lists those abnormalities that cannot be detected. It also lists the guidelines for antepartum obstetric ultrasound examinations for all three trimesters of pregnancy and for the equipment and documentation that should be used for these examinations.

Whilst these are obviously for the American medical profession, they are not too dissimilar from the UK guidelines and are thus still relevant. Useful tools are the transcript feature that allows you to print the text of the narration and the marker feature that allows you to mark images and text. Mini courses can be tailor-made with the carousel player allowing the individual to group together specific topics. These can be saved and used at a later date. The second CD contains case studies and an anomaly recognition quiz. There are 150 anomalies in the quiz and these can be worked through in random or selected by topic after studying specific systems.

This is not intended to be an encyclopedia of knowledge about all known fetal abnormalities but a database of pictures and videos enabling the user to identify the normal and the abnormal fetal structures. It does this well with clear diagrams to instruct in the correct way to visualise each structure. Whilst this is no substitute for practice scanning, I particularly liked the practice sessions where the interactive teaching is used to its full potential with the user measuring various fetal parameters. It is a highly polished programme, designed to make full use of the modern teaching media available. The quality of the diagram, pictures and videos are first rate. I am sure that it fulfills its aims of "making learning without a patient possible, so that learning with a patient is accelerated".
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.filefactory.com/file/aff22b2/n/DUOFETALANOMALIESCD1CD2_part09_rar">http://www.filefactory.com/file/aff22b2/n/DUOFETALANOMALIESCD1CD2_part09_rar</a>
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iRAD Interactive Radiology Review and Assessment CD-ROM
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 2001 | ISBN: 0683303821 | BIN/CUE | 675.6mb | 5% recovery

iRAD gives users the skill and confidence they need to successfully pass certifying examinations, whether they're taking them for the first time...or preparing for recertification. Users will find it easy to test and strengthen their knowledge by simply choosing a section, reviewing cases, and answering questions. iRAD has sections to cover the same areas of radiology as the ABR exam.
Content includes:
* 500 cases that reflect actual, day-to-day practice
* more than 2,700 multiple-choice and true/false questions
* over 4,200 large, clear images
* a link to the National Library of Medicine (NLM)
* plus 60 credit hours of CME

iRAD is Windows/Macintosh Compatible.

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.filefactory.com/file/a0f82b4/n/IRADRAA_part6_rar">http://www.filefactory.com/file/a0f82b4/n/IRADRAA_part6_rar</a>
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Diagnostic Radiology - Grainger & Allison's
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone | 3rd Ed, 2001 | ISBN: 0443064326 | 295.6mb | ISO | 5% recovery

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.filefactory.com/file/aff256d/n/DIAGNOSTICRADIOLOGYGRAINER_part3_rar">http://www.filefactory.com/file/aff256d/n/DIAGNOSTICRADIOLOGYGRAINER_part3_rar</a>
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<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.filefactory.com/file/a2g0hfe/n/DIAGNOSTICRADIOLOGYGRAINER_part1_rarRadiologic">http://www.filefactory.com/file/a2g0hfe/n/DIAGNOSTICRADIOLOGYGRAINER_part1_rarRadiologic</a> Anatomy, University of Florida
ISO | 537.5MB | 5% recovery

This radiology cd-rom, developed at the University of Florida College of Medicine, contains x-ray, CT, MRI and ultrasound images, gross anatomical and clinical correlations, radiologic technique movies, quizzes and more.

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Principles of Human Physiology: AND Interactive Physiology 7-system Suite
Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company | June 2004 | ISBN 9780805357479 | ISO | 354.8MB | 5% recovery

* Approximately 500 pages. * Reinforces the major concepts developed in the main text. With a wide variety of interesting, relevant, and tough questions, it encourages students to review core concepts. Helps students build on their knowledge base by posing challenging questions that require them to apply, analyze, and synthesize the information they have learned. Progresses from review questions through comprehension to application questions. * Includes objectives, key terms, and a variety of questions, including matching, labeling, multiple choice, essay, clinical applications, and quantitative reasoning.

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ADAM Interactive Physiology-9-System Suite
NRG | 639.5MB | 5% recovery

InterActive Physiology significantly enriches the teaching environment by providing audio/visual understanding of complex topics. For use as both a presentation and teaching tool in the classroom, as well as a study tool for students, this CD-ROM covers nine body systems and features full-color animations, sound, interactive quizzes, games, and clinical scenarios that thoroughly demonstrate difficult physiology concepts and help bridge the gap between simply memorizing a concept and truly understanding it. The InterActive Physiology? 9-System Suite is an effective way to learn the hardest part of A&P.


Muscular System
Anatomy Review: Skeletal Muscle Tissue
The Neuromuscular Junction
Sliding Filament Theory
Muscle Metabolism
Contraction of Motor Units
Contraction of Whole Muscle

Nervous System I
Anatomy Review
Voltage Gated Ion Channels
The Membrane Potential
The Action Potential

Nervous System II
Anatomy Review
Chemically Gated Ion Channels
Synaptic Potentials and Cellular Integration
Synaptic Transmission

Cardiovascular System
Anatomy Review: The Heart
Intrinsic Conduction System
Cardiac Action Potential
Cardiac Cycle

Cardiac Output
Anatomy Review: Blood Vessel Structure and Function
Measuring Blood Pressure
Factors That Affect Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure Regulation
Autoregulation and Capillary Dynamics

Respiratory System
Anatomy Review: Respiratory Structures
Pulmonary Ventilation
Gas Exchange
Gas Transport
Control of Respiration

Urinary System
Anatomy Review
Glomerular Filtration
Early Filtrate Processing
Late Filtrate Processing
Fluids and Electrolytes
Introduction to Body Fluids
Water Homeostasis
Electrolyte Homeostasis
Acid/Base Homeostasis

Endocrine System
Endocrine System Review
Biochemistry, Secretion, and Transport of Hormones
The Actions of Hormones on Target Cells
The Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis
Response to Stress

Digestive System
Anatomy Review
Control of Digestion
Digestion and Absorption


* NEW! Digestive System module tutorials include Anatomy Review, Control of Digestion, Motility, Secretion, and Digestion and Absorption.
* NEW! Pause button allows you to move through the animations at your own pace.
* Detailed topic explanations are supported by full-action animations that take students step-by-step through the material?IP makes topics at the cellular and process levels visible and dynamic.
* Each topic includes an overview, detailed step-by-step explanation, and quizzing.
* Each topic begins with a ?What you need to know? list of concepts students need to understand to succeed in the topic. Concepts in the list are ?hot-linked? to additional content for students who need to review.
* On-screen quizzes, available at all times, provide students the opportunity to check their understanding.
* On-screen help is available at any time.
* Page references are updated to correspond with Marieb?s Human Anatomy and Physiology, Seventh Edition and Martini?s, Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, Seventh Edition.

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ADAM. Interactive Physiology Urinary System
ISO | 203.8MB | 5% recovery
With the adam.com Benjamin/Cummings Interactive Physiology Instructor's Edition, you've got everything you'll need to convey physiological concepts and practices to your students. Perfect for lecture or lab, this product is filled with detailed animations, video, sound and engaging quizzes and games that will help you bring physiology to life.

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A.D.A.M.Interactive Physiology Respiratory System
BIN | 195.2MB | 5% recovery

Summary: Animation, sound, narration and video are used to explain the most challenging physiological concepts and processes of the respiratory system of the human body.

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.filefactory.com/file/aff3db2/n/ADAMIPRS_part2_rar">http://www.filefactory.com/file/aff3db2/n/ADAMIPRS_part2_rar</a>
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A.D.A.M.Interactive Physiology Muscular System
ISO | 162.1MB | 5% recovery

Summary: Animation, sound, narration and video are used to explain the most challenging physiological concepts and processes of the muscular system of the human body.

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.filefactory.com/file/aff3dgc/n/ADAMIPMS_rar">http://www.filefactory.com/file/aff3dgc/n/ADAMIPMS_rar</a>
A.D.A.M.Interactive Physiology-Nervous System
ISO | 144.2MB | 5% recovery

Co-developed by Benjamin/Cummings Publishing and adam.com(R), the Interactive Physiology series software significantly enriches the teaching environment by providing visual understanding of complex topics. For use as both a presentation and teaching tool in the classroom, as well as a study tool for students, these CD-ROMs feature four color animations, sound, video, and extensive interactive quizzes that thoroughly explain difficult physiology concepts, many of which occur at the cellular and molecular level Nervous System I: The Neuron: Action Potential presents information on neurons, the resting membrane potential, and generation and propagation of the action potential.

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.filefactory.com/file/aff9e4h/n/ADAMIPNS_rar">http://www.filefactory.com/file/aff9e4h/n/ADAMIPNS_rar</a>
Rosai Surgical Pathology 9Ed - 2 CD
MDF | 764.1MB/802MB | 5% recovery

Rosai and Ackerman's Surgical Pathology presents comprehensive guidance on every aspect of the field. The New Edition of this two-volume masterwork retains the practical approach that has earned it a loyal following and widespread critical acclaim. At the same time, it delivers expanded and updated content on molecular pathology, and immunohistochemistry, adjunct techniques which have truly transformed the practice of surgical pathology. What's more, this definitive reference is now illustrated in full colour throughout!
Uses a consistent, clinically oriented structure for each organ system chapter, describing anatomy congenital anomalies inflammatory disorders and benign and malignant neoplasms, and then exploring clinical presentation gross and microscopic features ultrastructural and immunohistochemical findings differential diagnosis therapy and prognosis for virtually every tumor type.
Contains over 3,900 outstanding illustrations from Dr. Rosai's vast personal collection-nearly all in full color for the first time.
Presents hundreds of diagnostic pearls detailing Dr. Rosai's expert observations on what to look for when examining a slide of each disease, what to be careful about, and which presentations can be misleading. Presents valuable appendices on tumor staging, quality control procedures, and the handling of gross specimens.

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Gross Techniques in Surgical Pathology
Chapter 3 Special Techniques in Surgical Pathology
Chapter 4 Skin
Chapter 5 Oral Cavity and Oropharynx
Chapter 6 Mandible and Maxilla
Chapter 7 Respiratory Tract: Nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and nasopharynx - Larynx and trachea - Lung and pleura
Chapter 8 Mediastinum
Chapter 9 Thyroid Gland
Chapter 10 Parathyroid Glands
Chapter 11 Gastrointestinal Tract: Esophagus - Stomach - Small bowel - Appendix - Large bowel - Anus
Chapter 12 Major and Minor Salivary Glands
Chapter 13 Liver
Chapter 14 Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Bile Ducts
Chapter 15 Pancreas and Periampullary Region
Chapter 16 Adrenal Gland and Other Paraganglia
Chapter 17 Urinary Tract: Kidney, renal pelvis, and ureter - Bladder and male urethra
Chapter 18 Male Reproductive System: Prostate and seminal vesicles - Testis - Testicular adnexae - Penis and scrotum
Chapter 19 Female Reproductive System: Vulva - Vagina - Uterus--cervix and corpus - Fallopian tubes - Ovary - Placenta
Chapter 20 Breast
Chapter 21 Lymph Nodes
Chapter 22 Spleen
Chapter 23 Bone Marrow
Chapter 24 Bone and Joints
Chapter 25 Soft Tissues
Chapter 26 Peritoneum, Retroperitoneum, and Related Structures
Chapter 27 Cardiovascular System: Heart Arteries - Veins - Lymph vessels
Chapter 28 Neuromuscular System: Central nervous system - Peripheral nerves - Skeletal muscles
Chapter 29 Pituitary Gland
Chapter 30 Eye and Ocular Adnexa
Chapter 31 Ear

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Interactive Atlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
ISO | 564.6 MB | 5% recovery

Vice thousands of high-quality, color endoscopic images as well as animation and video detailing the results of endoscopic and methods subsystems reproduces gastroscopy process. According to parts of sub-esophagus, stomach, duodenum, colon demonstrated normal and pathological process, each site is equipped with interactive Exercises to memory, and each case are related to clinical symptoms and diagnosis (click on the relevant content icon picture above shows).

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