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Date Posted: 19:16:33 06/11/17 Sun
Author: Reluctant Mom
Subject: Stained Panties Question

I'm taking deep breaths to write on here about this or really anything.
I have an issue I hope I can get some input on. I have seen this same thing discussed on here before. My youngest just turned 10 going into 5th grade next fall. She's always had evidence of not wiping. When she was little I just figured, you know how kids are, too busy to take care of things. I figured she would grow out of it, but in the last year or so it's getting worse. The stains are getting worse, at times she stinks, it might be two weeks before she will take a bath after battling with her to do so and I've discovered that she's been hiding her panties. I guess she washes them herself. It's very encouraging that she wants to help with the laundry, but not to cover up her poop stained panties.
I catch her pulling at her underwear and other obvious things. I talked to her doctor about it to see if there was something wrong with her bowels and asked her to be discrete to not embarrass her or make a big deal about it. Nothing physically wrong. Apparently she just doesn't wipe her butt and maybe more.
I understand that many girls, maybe most go through a phase of being inattentive, even stubbornly opposed to hygiene. This is just something I don't understand. I never had any problem with my son, who is the oldest, somewhat with my daughter in the middle, but my youngest is another story entirely.
I'm at my wits end. So far I haven't made a big deal out of it and really haven't even said anything about it. Don't tell me to just spank her for it, because I'm not going to do that. I'm a spanking mom, but that's not something I'm going to spank her for. I just want to know if any of you have any experience with this. What did you do? Is this something I should be concerned about? Do any of you have any suggestions or ideas?
Thanks for your input.

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