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Date Posted: 05:33:27 07/23/19 Tue
Author: M
Subject: Re: So, what is this all about?
In reply to: Alicia 's message, "Re: So, what is this all about?" on 05:54:27 07/20/19 Sat

>>>>>>My 10 year old daughter does this. I guess she
>>>>>>doesn't wipe. She's been doing it for a long time.
>>>>>>never really thought much about it, I assumed she
>>>>>>just too busy to pay much attention to it. That is
>>>>>>until I discovered this page.
>>>>>>What is it about? Is it really a thing? What is
>>>>>>fascination with it? I would think it would be
>>>>>>irritating and you would be worried that someone
>>>>>>smell it. Does my daughter have some kind of
>>>>>>Now I'm a little worried.
>>>>>Mam, I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think it's
>>>>>trend or a challenge that she saw on the internet
>>>>>anything like that. If it is a fetish, so she has a
>>>>>fetish. People have all different types of fetishes
>>>>>and they usually develop at an early age.
>>>>>For one thing, she may at this age just be busy
>>>>>other things and just not care. Or maybe she just
>>>>>likes the feeling of it. At that age they don't
>>>>>lot of control of their lives and that's one thing
>>>>>they do have control of. It may be an exploration
>>>>>expression of who she is.
>>>>>She may grow out of it, but if she doesn't it's not
>>>>>going to hurt her or anyone else.
>>>>>I hope that helps mam and sets your mind at ease.
>>>>I don't think it's that uncommon with girls that
>>>i have to agree-- i have a daughter around the same
>>>age and she doesn't wipe either. It could be a fetish
>>>but i think she's too young to realize that if it is.
>>>When she's older if she starts wiping then right now
>>>shes probably just being a normal kid and not caring
>>>much about it. If she doesn't start wiping later then
>>>it's probably a bit of a fetish. In either case it's
>>>her body so I'd just let her do what she wants and
>>>wouldn't worry about it- she could do a lot worse.
>>>its much more important for a girl to learn that her
>>>body is her own and shes the one who can make choices
>>>about it rather than worrying about how well she
>>I just like it and she probly dose too.
>Thank you. You've all been very helpful.

Glad we could help.

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