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Date Posted: 04:15:09 06/16/09 Tue
Author: Jeremiah Lopez (Joyful)
Subject: Jehovah is Still performing Miracles today

I want the world to know that the God of Abraham-the Most High God-Father of Jesus Christ is still in the business of miracles and deliverance.
I burned my thumb under a coffee machine which pourned out scolding hot coffee and i prayed in the Name of Jesus Christ and asked God to heal me of the burn and i was given the inspiration to place some ice on it and then wash it in rain water because it was raining outside that night, and the excruciating circumstance was immedieately healed and the burning sensation was gone.
Some may say well the ice helped--I tried that in the past without prayer to God in a similar situation and nothing happened.
In September of 2008 I was told by my doctor that i ahd a slight touch of enphesema in my right lung and a kidney stone in my right kidney, so I prayed to God in Jesus Christ's name and in June my kidney stone passed on it's own and they did a cat-scan of my abdominal section which also scans the lower lungs and guess what
Not only was i passing the kidney stone, but there was no trace of enphezema in my lung.
No matter what your goliath fear or circumstance may be, God will deliver you if you line up your faith with your prayer, take actions that God may inspire, and above all everything you say must continue to express a stance of faith no matter how grave the circumstance may feel like.
You must " walk by faith and not by sight " remembering that faith without works is dead as the apostle James wrote.

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