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Date Posted: 01:54:20 12/22/09 Tue
Author: Jeremiah lopez (The Joyful)
Subject: Professional Male Actor & Songwriter Frank Cadillac1 turns into a Successful Affiliate Marketer

After my interview with Frank Cadillac1... a successful Professional Male Actor,Songwriter and now Affiliate Marketer, I have decided to endorse his experience with http://frankcadillac1.symbiads.com and his blossoming company whose web address is
I endorse this man's integrity and the companies he represents and therefore I am with you his experience...read it carefully and perhaps his company can help you to a greater icome through Affilate Marketing
Here's what Frank Cadillac1 shared with me

I'm very excited about symbiads cause in the last two weeks since I joined
I 've watched my investment practically triple.I may seem rather enthusiastic
but symbiads does have a profitable future if you choose to work this once in a lifetime opportunity.
You can work directly with the CEO and founder?
or be introduced to this business weeks after it's launch?
Get in touch with me directly
so i can offer you our extra credits upon enrollment if you are part of
PString , and if you haven't joined Peoplestring yet then join up at
And when you enroll with symbiads through me at http://frankcadillac.symbiads.com
I'll add the free credits to your account.By all means, feel free to call me
1 888 207 3469

This is it.
Here is more information about how things work.

Buying Credits :

Tracking credits are purchased in units of 10 for $10.00. Each unit has a value of one share in the daily revenue sharing bonuses.
One can purchase any number of units they wish to advertise their website or websites.

Tracking credit units expire 10 days from date or purchase and any unused tracking credits will be forfeited. This is like radio, newspaper, and other advertising media purchased for a specific time or length. It is the members responsibility to allocate the tracking credits to their website(s) by purchasing the amount of exposure they deem necessary. Some members may have multiple websites and budget thousand of views while others may wish to start out with a smaller advertising budget. This is the beauty of Symbiads, you are in control of your resources.

Members participating in the revenue sharing bonuses may wish to take their earnings and re-invest into the purchase of additional tracking credits. This will serve a two fold purpose. First, it will insure that one always has active (un-expired tracking credits) for continued participation in the daily revenue sharing pools and incentive bonus. Secondly, it allows you to compound your advertising to provide even more exposure to your website(s) by using commissions and revenue sharing earnings to purchase additional tracking credits.

Tracking credits are purchased by clicking the "buy now" link throughout the Symbiads website. We accept major credit cards, cashiers checks, checks and money orders. Personal and business checks have a 7 working day hold for funds availability

Advertising Pool/Revenue Sharing

Each day up to 50% of the sales value of all advertising for the day will be set aside for the symbiads Advertising Pool.
Each Qualified Independent Sales Representative* will receive a split of the pool relational to the number of active shares it holds for the day. For example, an individual holding 10 active shares for the day would receive 10 shares in the pool and an individual holding 100 active shares for the day would receive 100 shares in the pool.
E.g. the total wholesale value of all advertising sales for the day is $2,000. There are 2 Qualified Independent Sales Representatives for the day. The first Qualified Independent Sales Representative holds 10 active shares and the second 100. The total active shares between the 2 Qualified Independent Sales Representatives would be 110.
50% of 2,000 = 1000/110 = 9.09. Each share held in the pool would be worth $9.09. The Qualified Independent Sales Representative holding 10 active shares would receive a $90.90 bonus… $9.09 * 10 = $90.90. The Qualified Independent Sales Representative holding 100 active shares would receive a $909.00 bonus… $9.09 * 100 = $909.00.
= Qualified Members are those that hold at least 10 active transaction credits for the day and have viewed at least 15 sites for a minimum of 20 seconds each during the day

Earning Credits

In addition to purchasing tracking credits, Symbiads members have the opportunity to earn them (this option is only available to those purchasing the annual hosting fee and not available to advertisers).
Earning tracking credits is easy and provides you with a way to get even more people to visit your website – the very thing that Symbiads is all about!
Each and every day you have the opportunity to visit the “Symbiads Viewing” area not only to activate your qualification for the daily bonuses and revenue sharing, but to also earn additional tracking credits. One credit is earned for every 5 websites viewed for the minimum 20 seconds required. The more sites you view, the more tracking credits you earn!
Adding to your credit total through the earning avenue is a tremendous way to boost traffic to your own site and support your fellow Symbiads members.

To our success,

Frank Cadillac


1 888 207 3469

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