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Date Posted: 03:54:14 05/27/03 Tue
Author: Jody L. Whitlock
In reply to: Michelle 's message, "Re: US SERVICEMAN STATIONED IN AMBERG WEST GERMANY WHEN CHERNOBYL" on 06:47:31 05/23/03 Fri

I was 6 when Chernobyl happened. We were in Vilseck, just outside of Grafenwoer when this happened. So far, the only thing that anyone could say may have come out of that for me was a sudden onset of Hay Fever. I never paid much into it or even bothered to get regular checkups or anything like that. I am going into the doctor tomorrow for a painful lump that has formed on my wrist, and I'm sure that it is a ganglianic cyst like everyone thinks, but it made me think. All reports that I have found have said that the fallout only went as far west as Poland, but in speaking with my brother who was a teenager, we both distinctly remember the warnings that were issued. I would like to try and get together with others that were over there during this time, especially those who are around my age. I think that there is more to it than what is let on, and maybe if enough solid evidence is formulated, maybe, at the very least, those who do have problems linked with that incident can get sometype of closure, while the rest of us can have something to focus on, instead of just "strange timings" or "coincidences". If I was able to find solid evidence, I would go in every 6 months for checkups myself.
Anyone wishing to "get together" and talk about this, please feel free to email me.

Thank You

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