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Date Posted: 04:49:51 04/12/10 Mon
Author: Telcoltl
Subject: _-If I loved you to death tecnically I would be killing you. The devouring part is still in question
In reply to: Emmaline 's message, "I like those ways. Does that mean you don't want to eat me?" on 20:01:48 04/11/10 Sun

As she spoke, his thick dark lashes masked his eyes. He let out a deep breath and waited for the calm to settle over him. He couldn’t deny that he was aroused. And he couldn’t deny that he had this almost uncontrollable urge to have her, but he couldn’t justify this type ofbehavior with the type of love he had for her. But her words made nothing easier as she whispered to him everything he had been thinking. It wasn’t the alcohol, she said. But didn’t alcohol give you the ability to let down all your walls and just do something without a lot of thought? So in part it had to be the alcohol. Telcoltl reprimanded himself severly for the next couple of minutes as she pulled him away from the wall and asked him about Dimitri. The name was like an anchor and snapped him out of his revery. “Dimitri. Yes. Let’s see him…Emmaline.” He hung just behind Emmaline but let her hand slip loose from his. He felt awkwardly torn between taking her and respecting her.

He hung constantly just at her shoulder, always in view, and with a constant pace as they wound through the main streets of the city. Dogs barked from apartment windows and older men put their garbage out with a quiet nod in their direction. Telcoltl could always sense when they were close to Dimitri. His skin prickled in a fashion similar to when an icey breeze blows over a sweaty body. Like excersizing into a sweat only to leave the gym overheated and step into the snow outside. It was then that Telcoltl could see the lit windows of the townhouse. They houses looked the same to him and he’d never bothered to learn the house number. He just came to this area and found that prickle. That’s how he knew he was home.

(post at the townhouse and Ill reply there)

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