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Date Posted: 20:01:22 07/22/10 Thu
Author: Theron&Dimitri
Subject: perhaps perhaps perhaps
In reply to: Karina 's message, "yeah just a bit" on 13:22:14 07/16/10 Fri

Do we want to go home? Dimitri blinked, smiling softly. His green-flecked eyes gleamed with a rather inebriated amusement. He untied the ribbon at the base of his neck and worked a few tangles out of his white blonde hair. Or do we want to stay?

Staa-aay. Theron smiled, crossing his legs. No one's waiting for me at home. And if my bed's not warm I really don't enjoy sleeping in it.

Dimitri grimaced. You sound like a total asshole. Can't you at least pretend not to be a womanizer?

Body warmth is not gender specific. Did I ever say that my body warmth needed to be floral scented with a-

THERON. There is a lady present? Be polite!

At the realization that, no, he was not alone in this rather odd little bodega. Hellfire and brimstone. What the hell? Of course Theron owned the place. How many other spanish taverns had fireplaces, river rock floors and granite bartops? Oh, and the leather in the lounge. The place had a lounge with leather sofas. And flatscreen TVs. Honestly. Theron was insane.

You know what, Marcius? I'm not speaking to him so I really, really, don't give a damn.

But if he gets up from that table I'm going to run like the hounds of hell are at my heels.

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