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Date Posted: 22:02:09 03/03/11 Thu
Author: {e m m y}
Subject: {Probably that I should be sent away}
In reply to: Telcoltl 's message, "what would daddy say??" on 21:52:04 03/03/11 Thu

Emmaline wasn't sure how to react to Telly. She wondered how he even felt about her, if that night it really was just the alcohol that spurred the kiss, the desire, the passion that had almost erupted between them, almost came crashing down around them, tearing apart their walls of resistance. She turned her golden green eyes downwards, shivering just slightly in a hint of desire and fear as his hand moved to brush the stray locks of hair from her cheek and tuck them behind her slightly pointed ears.

She heard his comment about not at all and she looked up to him as he spoke to her. She caught the hint within his words, the hint that he wasn't about to carry her off to that place. She had turned her eyes back down when his fingers moved to tilt her chin up, her eyes coming back up to look at him. "Master......Telly...what... " It was somehow now hard for her to form words where she had once been eloquent and well mannered with them. she took a deep breath as she shivered from something other than the cold. "What are you doing out here then? " It was a soft soprano of a whisper as her hands slowly moved to wrap around him in a small and oh so gentle hug, unable to help herself.

her kiss is a vampire's grin, her touch an elven spell

html by era!

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