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Date Posted: 15:07:20 04/03/11 Sun
Author: Toby
Subject: --Never Say Never--

The low, throaty growl of a meaty engine breaks into the quiet.of the afternoon. The car is heard before it is seen, turning onto main street and rolling slowly. The driver then seems to make a last minute decision, turning the dark maroon machine into a vacant space. The engine idles, and then killed.

He exits the charger, barely remembering to lock the door as his widened blue eyes up and down the street in amazement. He could not believe be was finally here. Back to the only home he had ever truly had. He slowly began to walk, passing empty shops and feeling remorse for their loss. It seemed the city he had so loved had fallen on hard times. He shoved his hands in his pocket, frowning.

He hadn't thought he'd come back when he got the call from.Tumbler. In truth, he had been scared to. While this city had once been the bright beacon of happiness in his life...the.end of his time here had been nothing but sorrow, guilt, and shame.

As he walked, he thought of the brightest part of his past: the small blonde that had stolen his heart. The woman he'd wanted to marry. Had planned to.marry, in fact, before.all he'll broke loose. How much would she hate him for the way he had abandoned her? He felt sick thinking about it. He didn't even know if she was still living in the city...but if she was, he would find her. He needed her to hear him apologize. Even if she cursed at him, forced him away...she.needed to hear those words. She deserved them.

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