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Date Posted: 21:27:51 10/24/13 Thu
Author: Ann Hemming
Subject: .Timeless.
In reply to: Jorgen Nasche 's message, ".Timeless." on 17:20:48 10/23/13 Wed

Crimson painted nails stroked reassuringly against the mans hands, a subconscious gesture that she didn't really even notice. She let her grey gaze linger as he looked down at her hands, as all those emotions filtered across his face. He had clearly been through the proverbial woodchipper, and whatever it was that had beaten him into the quivering mass of man that was currently clinging to her clearly still had a hold of him. He truly feared whatever being that haunted him. What she hadn't expected was an actual haunting. Arching her brows, she thought at first that he was joking, and her brain couldn't really wrap around the idea of him being truly serious, even when she knew his fear was true and real. Unable to hide all of her smile, though she did try, she instead turned her efforts to try to calm the man down. Subject 104, not much of a name, but what was more interesting was where he claimed to be from. Froslev Camp? There was nothing even remotely like that around here There were no large campsites in these mountains, at least there weren't when the moon had been full two weeks past. It might due to break her normal rules and take a run outside the moons full light. But for now, she needed to get this man calmed down and preferably cleaned up before that smell got stuck in her nose.

"If your running from The Nazis, you can slow down. You've outrun them by about seventy years... And you're in Cascade, South Dakota. But thats in America, so your mostly correct! Getting you inside is probably a good idea, the Sheriff doesn't much appreciate nekid people running around town" She patted his hands, shifting to stand and hoping to draw him up as well. Nudity really didn't bother her much these days, though the smell wasn't thrilling her all that much. "My house isn't too far, lets get you there, get you cleaned up, fed and into something a bit less revealing. Shall we?"

• S E C R E T •
• W O L F •

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