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Subject: dreams of the past

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Date Posted: 09:59:53 09/30/09 Wed
In reply to: HAEDRA 's message, "||.i have always been.||" on 09:07:37 09/29/09 Tue

He watched her move. Those amber colored brown tinged eyes of his were fixated to her every move. She stood but then straightened. Her back was arched and her shoulders set squarely as if she’d been coached for this response since birth. Her hands made work of straightening out the skirt and she had seemingly forgotten about the dead carcass of a phone in her hand. It was the type of technology that was useless to have. If there were an emergency you could almost bet that the phone would be out of reach, out of service, or out of battery. It was just how it worked. Caulk it up to Murphy’s Law or technically Sod’s Law. Telcoltl was there when that everyday term had been plucked into existence. You can thank his Capt. Edward A. Murphy for that. He got the recognition for an idea that had been around ages before he was even conceived. Telcoltl had always called it Sod’s Law because any poor sod that didn’t need the bad luck would get it. But the Air Force and that base was in the past. This woman and her extended hand are in the present. His eyes had never left her but he examined the outstretched out with some amusement. The fact that she was outreached desperately for a stranger was not lost on him. He moved his feet closer so his extended hand was hovering over hers. He didn’t watch the coins drop into her hand. Instead, he watched her face and waited for the reaction of the cold coins against her presumably warm skin. She was tantalizing in appearance. But he was catching the waft of uncertainty that was endearing. He nodded in understand as she felt the need to fill the silence.

Telcoltl had had years of practice at letting go of the small un-pleasantries that accompanied daily life. He was a master at sidestepping the problem and making the wrinkle work out in his favor. But obviously the doll in front of him had not. Women were, after all, more delicate creatures. Telcoltl’s hand removed to the scare warmth of his steel washed khaki pants. His white sleeves of his collar shirt had been rolled to the elbow earlier that day in a mindless effort which negated the brown vest that had been button up for a carefree distinguished air.

His closely shaven face tilted to catch her eyes a little more and his lips pressed together before he spoke. He’d been having a rather irritating day too. He expressed as much with a shrug of his agile shoulders and a supplied smile. “I’ve been having that kind of day too, if it’s any consolation.” How could it be though? Her phone was dead, her change was everywhere, and she was all dressed up with no where to go.


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