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Subject: ||.i have always been.||

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Date Posted: 09:07:37 09/29/09 Tue
In reply to: Telcoltl 's message, ".:.I never was.:." on 10:48:13 09/27/09 Sun

I forgot the four inches of torture that my feet were trapped in when a voice met my ears, as satiny as that tall glass of Guinness I was craving. It was strong, fulfilling drink I wanted but instead my eyes flickered up to the face of a young man. I had given up on my coins, weary of squatting in a pencil skirt, atop these wicked shoes. I straightened more in the company of this boy, smoothing my snug skirt and brushing back a rogue strand of hair. He was younger than me at first glance, normally I'd have thanked him dismissively and been on my way but something lured me into giving him a smile.


I extended my hand, open and palm up, so that he could drop the coins into it. I felt strange for a moment, reaching out to this strange boy and a bit of color flooded my face, distinctive enough I am sure..As fair as I am. I hate myself for this tendency to awkwardness. I thought I should say something else, I don't know why. Often times it's almost better when I keep my mouth shut...But I spoke again anyway. If I regretted it later it wouldn't be anything novel.

"It's just been one thing after another today."




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dreams of the pastTelcoltl09:59:53 09/30/09 Wed

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