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Subject: Have a place in mind?

Mike Giordano
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Date Posted: 14:39:28 10/20/09 Tue
In reply to: Midori 's message, "Its Possible" on 10:50:26 10/20/09 Tue

"Its funny you should say that-I was just thinking the same thing-I'm still fairly new here, so other then my Camaro parked outside-"
he jerked a thumb up the staircase "and a cheap hotel I'm renting down off main street, I really don't have any place else-do you have somewhere in mind?"

He paused again, his eyes meeting hers. Although he'd rather not let more people in on the fact that he had a multi-million dollar bounty on his head, he didn't want to unnecessarily endanger someone like Midori.
At some point in time he was going to have to let her in on this.
"There *is* something you need to be aware of, however" he paused again, glancing around, "lately I've noticed myself being tailed-its related to that unwanted attention I told you about.
If you're around me, you should know that things have the potential to get..messy. I don't want to put you at risk too, so I need to avoid high profile areas right now.."

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Not Really.....Midori19:43:04 10/20/09 Tue

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