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Subject: : Angel In Black :

Cammie Hajoysky
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Date Posted: 22:24:55 10/13/13 Sun
In reply to: Erich 's message, "/6\/6\/6\.Mark.of.the.Beast./6\/6\/6\" on 12:39:51 09/13/13 Fri

”You snarl and growl at me in disproval, but I hear no words of knowledge on how to correct my human errors. Tell me friend, what would you have me do?” The last words out of her mouth before Erich had gave an unearthly growl and lunged towards her from across the tiny room and her place upon the apartment door. She had moved, quickly, but alas she was still human it was only her own quick movement and Erich’s momentarily regain of control that had kept her life from being snatched away this morning. She would be a fool to state she was not shaken by the reaction, one does not deny they are scared of a shark simply because they are not being circled.

She had made quick work to fix the hinges of the door, not wishing to alert the landlord to any altercation but more importantly any eyes that may have been set to watch her. It was still unlikely that the motherland had learned of her whereabouts, but she still must be careful, the plan and her life depended on it. Since Erich’s departure and rage the former blonde spy had spent most of her time poring over the scattered files. She had reorganized them each and once again begun to read up on the dominus is named Jarilo and the mysterious Triglav. If only her contacts had been able to identify what the second was, she would have been able to rectify a plan without the help of Erich. The fact that she did not know how to handle the second was enough to set her on edge.

She had downed more vodka than normal, her nerves edgy but never was she dulled to the point of an easy target. The sun had long since slipped beyond the horizon. It’s warmth and false sense of safety leaving behind the cool night air and the lingering dangers that haunted there. She was not scared and in truth she barely noticed the changes outside for so lost had she become in the file that she did not notice the arrival at her door. Something that was rare, for she often kept an eye out the covered window in case something stirred.

The quick percussion of knuckle to wood had the former spy brushing onyx strands from her gaze the hundredth time as her dial shot upwards and her hand instantly to her gun. A singular flip-flop, an instinctual reaction that once controlled panned out and steady so one could almost doubt it ever happened. It was the only sign from behind the door that Erich would note that he’d startled her and it’d been for only a millisecond. Her stakes still rested within range, her gun still rotating silver and wooden bullets, she had even made an effort to dose herself in more garlic spray since he’d left. All of this she had done as simple precaution, yet as the door opened it was not simply his hunger that flared. Instinctually her body knew that after such a fight the next course of action was makeup sex, and yet there was no way such action could be taken now. That did not keep her body from coiling with tension as the door opened and she stood there, staring at her former comrade and human partner. She said nothing but stepped aside moving to the chair as before and leaving the couch open for his sitting should he wish it. She knew he would close the door and yet her body gave no sign of tension at being locked behind close doors with him again. She simply did not fear him, she respected his power, but fear was not something she was programmed to feel anymore.

”Have you thought of a plan comrade?” No question as to his current state or that of before when he left. She cut straight to the point. He had returned and as such must have thought of something for them to do. That or he had come to wash his hands of the mission at which she would go about the task alone. Whatever the fate of this meeting the course of life as they knew it was sure to change.


Cammie Hajoysky

It's a devil's disguise

Angel in black

I don't know if I want you back

You're the cool nights of the desert

And the hot kisses of the sun

Why is it that I don't believe you

When you say I'm the only one

I know I'm the lonely one

It's a devil's disguise

Angel in black

And I recognize the shadows from your past

It's a devil's disguise

Angel in black

2010 Marussia B1

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