She had left the neon lighted bar without looking behind her. Keys in hand she moved to the lavender colored sports car and with a flick of her wrist and the slip of thumb to pad hidden under the latch she was inside and revving the beast to life. Only then did she look into the review mirror towards the door she’d exited the club from. Only then did she let the shiver she’d been surprising since spotting Erich and finding out what he was, run the length of her spine till her knuckles tightened on the steering wheel white. Tilting raven colored locks from side to side, neck popping to release tension she put the car into gear and headed towards the small corner store in town, she had a few supplies to get before Erich showed up the next morning.
Pulling into the apartments she’d once shared with Erich was odd, the memories sharp and unforgettable, but one stood out above the rest. Christmas Eve, the night she’d been jumped and Erich had come to her rescue. She’d never been one for the holidays, but after that evening she never cared to think of them at all. They were just another day to work, another day in which her target rested while she gained ground. Killing the engine, the two paper bags were grabbed from the passenger seat before she locked the door and pocketed the keys. She’d picked the apartment on the bottom floor at the end of the apartment complex. She would have taken the second floor without problems but had been told it was already rented. All this mattered not, she could escape easily out the side or back if someone crashed in the door and her car was parked in the nearby second lot away from the apartment so as to mislead any that tailed it. She was taking no mistakes this time.
Casually glancing around she saw no one around that looked suspicious and she’d yet to spot a tail since her arrival. It was likely the motherland would not know she’d returned her for a week or two, perhaps more if Itsovk was running the show. The idiot could not find his way out of brown paper bag, yet alone another country. Door open and locked along with dead bolted she set her bags down on the plain table and flicked on the light for the kitchen alone, then made a quick sweep of the apartment. That was one failing feature Cascade offered. They had supped up their prison and bars, but failed to think of the homes many humans had to live or sleep in. Finding nothing to suggest she’d had a visitor she returned to her bags and quickly took out her supplies. Food, minimal and nonperishable along with bottled water as she did not trust the supernatural to not spike the water supply if it fit them. A second pair of jeans and some simple black thong underwear came next, followed by a slinky sequence black dress and heels. Cascade’s corner store was notorious for having a little of everything, though she’d actually brought the dress with her, the shoes she had not.
Personal items taken care of she moved to the second bag. Here came chains of silver, wood she would crave into stakes, a second supply of wood and silver bullets, and as a second thought and thanks to the bartender a small supply of fresh blood she’d picked up from the blood bank next door. This she put in the fridge to keep fresh. The last thing she needed was Erich’s beast thinking she’d make a tasty snack. She’d also gathered up the normal supply of items that made her smell or taste less yummy to the supernatural kind. This would all work against normal beasts and monsters, but with a soul eater the only thing she’d found to work was pain. Genuine and physical pain that made the creature remember it was or had been alive. For this she kept her dagger and hunting knife close. The amethyst colored gem on her neck cast an eerie glow in the florescent light, but she paid it no attention as she put her items away and booby-trapped the apartment so she could catch a few hours of sleep.
Everything done and set up, she stripped to the sports bra and underwear, as was her normal sleeping gear these days. Crawling into the bed she flicked off the single lamp by her bedside and caught some sleep. Erich would be there in eight or nine hours and knowing him it might be even sooner.
Cammie Hajoysky
It's a devil's disguise
Angel in black
I don't know if I want you back
You're the cool nights of the desert
And the hot kisses of the sun
Why is it that I don't believe you
When you say I'm the only one
I know I'm the lonely one
It's a devil's disguise
Angel in black
And I recognize the shadows from your past
It's a devil's disguise
Angel in black

2010 Marussia B1