Yvette (delighted)
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Date Posted: 17:35:48 08/03/16 Wed
In reply to:
's message, "Re: Complete feminization of husbands" on 02:31:53 07/02/16 Sat
>>Me and a women from voy recently reached out to me and
>>is helping me feminize my ex hubby because he's too
>>manly and ruining it for me feminizing our son. I'm so
>>happy for this sight. People love to help. My ex
>>husband is very manly but we are working with him
>>trying to bring him over to our feminin side. This way
>>he can be a role model for our son to dress and be
>>raised as a girl. Things are going good so far. We had
>>to use some blackmailing to get him into a pair of
>>panties. But now I think I'm gaining the upper hand.
>>Thanks so much voy and the mothers on here. Hopefully
>>this will make it easier to feminize our son.
>I learned how important it is for us male-parents to
>be 'brought over' a few years ago. I was fine with
>our son, Jeremy, quitting baseball and wall-climbing
>club for soccer, even though I used to think it was a
>bit of a wimpy sport. My wife managed to get him
>into a mixed league, and I never saw his uniform until
>his 10th birthday; the socks and shirt were pink. I
>would have reacted badly, but you see, my wife had
>already got me into wearing panties during sex, and I
>couldn't deny how good they felt.
>Shortly, I was wearing them all the time, and when I
>saw Jeremy wearing his uniform, I found myself liking
>I never would have liked it without having already
>been introduced to feminine things.
>Long story short, within a few months, she convinced
>Jeremy that he really did enjoy pink as his favorite
>color and wearing his cute, fluffy soccer socks pulled
>up over his knees, which combined with his hair, made
>the kids on his team just sort of start believing he
>was actually a girl. They all called him Jer and
>probably just thought they were mistaken when they
>thought he was a boy at first. The ladies who run the
>league are very, very TG-tolerant and perhaps
>encouraged this confusion; I'm not sure. I don't
>worry about it because my lovely wife understands his
>needs, like she does mine; in order to understand
>women better, she got us both to agree to a short
>course of blockers and a touch of feminine hormones
>just to give us a taste of girlishness, you see. I
>was very surprised that feminine feelings and
>behaviors got to me in so few months.
>A surprise was that, while at the start, Jeremy was at
>least interested in 'playing girl' for a while, he
>said clearly that this was just for fun, but he
>changed must faster than any of us suspected. He
>still said the same after two months of being on a
>complete andgrogen-blocker and mild female hormone
>regimen, but he was by then also telling his
>team-mates (just "for fun") that he really was turning
>into a "proper girl". He told us that he was just
>kidding, but we could tell he was wavering.
>The biggest surprise to me was that as Jeremy, now
>more frequently Jenny, slowly showed his girlishness
>more and more, I no longer worried about it... in
>fact, oddly, I not only started to love being a very
>feminine man very much, but I found out I actually
>wanted Jeremy to commit to permanent girlhood. I
>actually helped my wife, after just 6 or 7 months,
>encourage Jer to be a girl for good. Once our helpful
>doctor, at around the 7 month mark, strongly suggested
>we increase our treatment for a good final 'setting'
>of our hormones before quitting them, I was surprised
>We both agreed to it because it felt right at the
>time, and let us both know the end was near. But
>after I was on the higher dosage for just 6 weeks, and
>Jeremy was receiving injections weekly, we both
>changed our minds; well, Jeremy did first... it was a
>few days after his second visit to the clinic for his
>needle that he just seemed to flip completely. Jenny
>wanted to be a girl for good, and she was certain of
>it. I felt so happy for her that I couldn't say no
>when asked if I felt the same. Jenny told us that she
>knows she didn't want this to be permanent before, but
>she just could no longer even imagine acting like a
>boy ever again. And more than that, I couldn't deny
>her the right to do this, and I wanted it myself by
>So you see, it really is important for the Dad to be
>brought into the fold of femininity first, if you hope
>to turn your little boys into happy, girlish young
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