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Subject: Re: Complete feminization of husbands

Yvette (delighted)
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Date Posted: 17:42:28 08/03/16 Wed
In reply to: Dad/mom 's message, "Re: Complete feminization of husbands" on 02:31:53 07/02/16 Sat

>>Me and a women from voy recently reached out to me and
>>is helping me feminize my ex hubby because he's too
>>manly and ruining it for me feminizing our son. I'm so
>>happy for this sight. People love to help. My ex
>>husband is very manly but we are working with him
>>trying to bring him over to our feminin side. This way
>>he can be a role model for our son to dress and be
>>raised as a girl. Things are going good so far. We had
>>to use some blackmailing to get him into a pair of
>>panties. But now I think I'm gaining the upper hand.
>>Thanks so much voy and the mothers on here. Hopefully
>>this will make it easier to feminize our son.
>I learned how important it is for us male-parents to
>be 'brought over' a few years ago. I was fine with
>our son, Jeremy, quitting baseball and wall-climbing
>club for soccer, even though I used to think it was a
>bit of a wimpy sport. My wife managed to get him
>into a mixed league, and I never saw his uniform until
>his 10th birthday; the socks and shirt were pink. I
>would have reacted badly, but you see, my wife had
>already got me into wearing panties during sex, and I
>couldn't deny how good they felt.
>Shortly, I was wearing them all the time, and when I
>saw Jeremy wearing his uniform, I found myself liking
>I never would have liked it without having already
>been introduced to feminine things.
>Long story short, within a few months, she convinced
>Jeremy that he really did enjoy pink as his favorite
>color and wearing his cute, fluffy soccer socks pulled
>up over his knees, which combined with his hair, made
>the kids on his team just sort of start believing he
>was actually a girl. They all called him Jer and
>probably just thought they were mistaken when they
>thought he was a boy at first. The ladies who run the
>league are very, very TG-tolerant and perhaps
>encouraged this confusion; I'm not sure. I don't
>worry about it because my lovely wife understands his
>needs, like she does mine; in order to understand
>women better, she got us both to agree to a short
>course of blockers and a touch of feminine hormones
>just to give us a taste of girlishness, you see. I
>was very surprised that feminine feelings and
>behaviors got to me in so few months.
>A surprise was that, while at the start, Jeremy was at
>least interested in 'playing girl' for a while, he
>said clearly that this was just for fun, but he
>changed must faster than any of us suspected. He
>still said the same after two months of being on a
>complete andgrogen-blocker and mild female hormone
>regimen, but he was by then also telling his
>team-mates (just "for fun") that he really was turning
>into a "proper girl". He told us that he was just
>kidding, but we could tell he was wavering.
>The biggest surprise to me was that as Jeremy, now
>more frequently Jenny, slowly showed his girlishness
>more and more, I no longer worried about it... in
>fact, oddly, I not only started to love being a very
>feminine man very much, but I found out I actually
>wanted Jeremy to commit to permanent girlhood. I
>actually helped my wife, after just 6 or 7 months,
>encourage Jer to be a girl for good. Once our helpful
>doctor, at around the 7 month mark, strongly suggested
>we increase our treatment for a good final 'setting'
>of our hormones before quitting them, I was surprised
>We both agreed to it because it felt right at the
>time, and let us both know the end was near. But
>after I was on the higher dosage for just 6 weeks, and
>Jeremy was receiving injections weekly, we both
>changed our minds; well, Jeremy did first... it was a
>few days after his second visit to the clinic for his
>needle that he just seemed to flip completely. Jenny
>wanted to be a girl for good, and she was certain of
>it. I felt so happy for her that I couldn't say no
>when asked if I felt the same. Jenny told us that she
>knows she didn't want this to be permanent before, but
>she just could no longer even imagine acting like a
>boy ever again. And more than that, I couldn't deny
>her the right to do this, and I wanted it myself by
>So you see, it really is important for the Dad to be
>brought into the fold of femininity first, if you hope
>to turn your little boys into happy, girlish young

Dad/Mom, I wholeheartedly agree, my Spouse and I are at the point of discussing hormones and electrolysis. We have a blended family now,a boy,4 and a 1/2 yrs and a girl, 5 and a 1/2 yrs.As soon as we got together I was open about my feminine side and she was delighted. Not only delighted but excited and so encouraging. Such that we seem to spend more time as females together and yes,that`s in all domains(!)e are both very impatient to start HRT,and would love to talk with other couples who are feminising their partner.

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Re: Complete feminization of husbandsWondering...21:50:57 09/19/16 Mon

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