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Subject: Re: Complete feminization of husbands--for Edita

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Date Posted: 15:07:44 12/29/10 Wed
In reply to: Nancy 's message, "Re: Complete feminization of husbands--for Edita" on 13:17:24 12/29/10 Wed

>>Would you like my husband's cellphone number? In case
>>you live somewhere close, come on by, I will allow her
>>to meet you, show you all her documentation, you may
>>ask her everything you want.
>>But I will not allow you to have a relationship with
>>her - if that's what you are looking for, forget it!!
>Dear Edita,
>Thank you for answering my questions about the initial
>reaction to feminisation, and the adjustment since
>that time. I'm glad to know that, after the previous
>difficulties, she has finally made a good adjustment
>to her new life.
>Can you say more about your day to day life with her,
>now that the feminisation is complete? What i mean
>is, how is the interaction between you and her in
>terms of conversation, what kinds of activities you do
>as a family, etc.? (Not asking about sexual issues; i
>think you already covered that.) You also mentioned
>that she understands her role in the family and
>follows your instructions, etc. I am wondering
>exactly how that goes---e.g., examples, etc.
>Thank you again for our postings.

Hi again, Edita! I also wanted to ask you what your close friends and family members think about the feminisation. You mentioned that your brother was raised in skirts, so i would guess that your immediate family members are supportive.
But you also mentioned that there were some aspects of your lifestyle that some friends and family members do not agree with.
Anyway, i would like to hear more about all of that. Thank you.

So far, have you been able to meet or communicate with any other like-minded women in similar situations? I hope this forum will help you to do that.


P.S. As to the question at the end of your latest posting, i think that is is understandable that your spouse may not want to be with men. It sounds as if her orientation has always been toward women. So her orientation was hetero before and now is lesbian.
Lots of transwomen are lesbian. It seems that those who transitioned very early (teens or before) tend to be heterosexual women, whereas those who transition later (as did your spouse) tend to be lesbian in their orientation.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Complete feminization of husbands--for EditaAllanah (Happy)19:23:59 09/28/13 Sat

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