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Subject: Re: Complete feminization of husbands--for Edita

Allanah (Happy)
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Date Posted: 19:23:59 09/28/13 Sat
In reply to: Nancy 's message, "Re: Complete feminization of husbands--for Edita" on 15:07:44 12/29/10 Wed

Hi Edita, thanks for posting such an interestingbstory.It raises so many questions for me,some of which you have covered in other replies.I will try to phrase the remainder here.
You mention a brother who was raised as a sissy so the whole scenario wasnt unfamiliar to You.Your husband appears to have had serious objections initially but his financial need overcame his reluctance.
Had your husband ever shared any desire to be feminised or was it wholy your doing?
You require him to wear particularly feminine clothes,is that reflective of your expectations of a 'woman' .
Does that serve to reinforce your dominance/demonstrate his compliance/ or is there a joy on your part of 'dressing him up'and repeating your experience with your brother?
Some trans women post about the change in their emotions when they commence hormones..Was this a plan on your part all along, did you see this happening or was it a case of carpe diem?.
How did he manage with counsellors/ medical professionals etc.?
And finally,
Do you still buy all his clothes etc or has he accepted his status and now shares or perhaps recognises his responsibility and takes some joy in that.
Many thanks for answering this and other questions
I would love to correspond with both You and your husband as would my partner.We plan to venture down a similar path.
Thanks Allanah

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