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Subject: Re: Complete feminization of husbands

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Date Posted: 14:40:40 04/03/12 Tue
In reply to: Patti 's message, "Re: Complete feminization of husbands" on 14:49:04 12/22/10 Wed

>Hi Edita!
I would like to congratulate you on a very interesting and telling thread. Much like you for personal reasons mostly about control in our relationship I too feminized my husband Maggie. I wanted an attractive husband to sire children but I also wanted to be queen bee so I found a petitie man to marry. It was love from first sight and he had all the attributes I wanted. First he was small in stature and secondly I was a couple of years older then him and knew his sister who confessed to me that as a teenager he was a closet crossdresser, though not a very successful one as apparantly he had been caught on several occassions by his mother. Next as it turns out he was extremely submissive, almost too submissive as I had to make all the arrangements when we were dating. To test how far he would allow me to go shortly after we started dating I surprised him with a New Years eve package at a swank hotel in the city. I arranged for flowers and a bottle of champagne to be waiting on ice when we arrived. The stage was set, we drank the champagne and it was time to dress for the party but when he opened his suitcase he found that his underwear was missing which was the plan as I had hidden it early while we were loading the car. Anyway he was beside hisself as I admonished him for being so careless while I had gone to all the trouble of arranging everything else. It was a black tie event and I knew he would be miserable if he had to wear his tuxedo without undergarments. So I came to his rescuse offering him a white camesole and matching panties. He protested but secretly I could see in his eyes he was dying to take them and he did. Then as a symbol of my undevoted love as we were ready to leave the room I pulled out a small corsage I had bought for myself and asked him to help pin it on me and when he was finished I pulled out another slightly smaller one and told it was for him. A corsage for me he said, no silly I said its a mans flower for your lapel acting hurt that he protested. He quickly relented allowing me to pin it on him. It was at that moment I knew he would be a perfect mate and I would be in control. Later that evening when we were alone in the room and I lauded him with compliments about what a progressive man he was wearing my camisole and panties I also conjoled him into wearing an extra negligee I had brought and shortly after he proposed. I knew I would have a wonderful life with my husband soon to be Maggie and I have had.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Complete feminization of husbandsPhred18:58:27 04/11/12 Wed
Re: Complete feminization of husbandsjackie10:31:21 08/26/13 Mon

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