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Subject: Re: Complete feminization of husbands

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Date Posted: 14:49:04 12/22/10 Wed
In reply to: Edita 's message, "Complete feminization of husbands" on 14:16:51 12/21/10 Tue

Hi Edita!

Your story is Quite interesting and Inspiring. As a Feminine male, I would like to keep my male equipment, even though it is quite a few years since I fathered our three children. I understand your poiint that your husband's "Use" of his male equipment was not necessary after impregnating you with your daughter, as I assune you only wanted to have one child.

You mentioned about the "Demaling" of your husband...are you associated with the Demale Society?I think the Demaleing Concept in many ways is to Completing demale the men and boys by turning them into women, but as a Proponent of Female Empowerment, I personnally would like to see men and boys Feminized and Dependent on Women, as women were dependent on men for centuries, however, I would still like to see the majority to remain Male, but be physically weaker than their Wives.

I don't know if what I am saying is making sense, but I am attempting to share my Outlook. I think what you did was apparently the Best for your family, and I applaud you for that. I think more women need to take the Lead in Society and Feminize as many males as possible so that the Female is the Head of the Households as well as the Head of Society. I think the World would be better that way.

I Applaud you for pouncing on the opportunity to Take Control of the marruage from the Start. It apparently was no surprise to your husband that you were In Charge and Calling the Shots, and the FACT that you Feminized him showed that you were having the Feminine Dominate the masculine, and I personnally think that is Fantastic...You are a Role Model for other Independent Women and Girls...especially your daughter!!

I am curious, you stated that your brother is a Sissy as well...Is he married or in a Relationship with an Independent Woman?

Would Love to hear more about your Situation. Thank You for sharing your story. There are many lof us the advocate for the Empowerment of Women and the Feminiztion of men and boys...you are Inspiring!

Thanks, Patti

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Subject Author Date
Re: Complete feminization of husbandsmichele05:42:00 12/23/10 Thu
Re: Complete feminization of husbandsSandra14:40:40 04/03/12 Tue

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